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Is the Biden Regime the SECRET SOCIETY of White Supremacy?
By S.D. Wells // May 30, 2024

As over a hundred million Americans have come to realize, it's almost always opposite day when it comes to the Democrats accusing Conservatives of wrong-doings. Often the simplest remedy is to just flip the script, and look into Democrat guilt for anything and everything they use to try to put their opposition on their heels. For starters, nearly every single Liberal in the USA thinks Trump hates black people, but it's the Democrats leading that charge.

Take a look at the KKK-supporting freaks who are key figures of the Democratic party. Slow-Joe Biden was cohorts with a known leader of the KKK, a.k.a. "Grand Wizard" Klansman and former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-W. Va). Grand Klansman Byrd was a very ACTIVE member and organizer for the Ku Klux Klan during the 1940s, and Dementia Joe even gave a eulogy to the White Supremacist, that ended up going viral when Black-Hatin' Biden was running for President.

Just as the Democrats call Trump a racist all over social media (and he denounces it), the clip of Biden's eulogy for the KKK leader (from 2010) went absolutely VIRAL in just six hours on Twitter. Biden tells lies in almost every speech, about how he loves black folks and even knows gangsters named Corn Pop and KKK leaders named "King of Pork" (Bobby Byrd). Yes, a KKK leader served as a U.S. Senator for more than 50 years, until he died. Realize this means Biden supports the cruelest HATE GROUP in America, while lambasting his political rival who's about to wipe him out in November.

From African American hate group leader to U.S. senator to Biden's cohort and friend

Clinton, Obama and Biden all had an affinity for the KKK leader, and showed it off at his funeral. They simply can't hold back how much they really applaud the hatred of blacks in America. And even though Obama is a black man, he supports communism in America, and that means wiping out the middle class and double or tripling the size of the lower class, the poor, the unhealthy, the unemployed, the obese, the drug addicts. This is why there is a fast food store, a pawn shop and a porno video store on every corner in every metropolitan city in America. Let that sink in for a minute.

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Then there's Ralph "Blackface" Northam, former Governor of Virginia. He parties like the KKK, an organization known for hanging black folks for opposing the "narrative" that only white people deserve rights, including free speech, freedom of religion and the pursuit of happiness. He just opened up a CBR (Communist Biden Regime) campaign headquarters in Virginia, in these final six months leading up to the next Big Election Steal. Grand "Wizard" Opening in Virginia. Come racists, election deniers, climate hypnotists and mask-wearing fake news cultists of all ages.

Now realize this. Planned Parenthood is NOT about helping inner-city women plan a family. That organization was also all about eugenics since its inception. The leader and founder was racist Margaret Sanger, who said black people are weeds that need to be eradicated from the country. It's infanticide at the most insidious level. It's always opposite day in Democrat-land. It's where you plan not to be parents, and where everyone hates white people and nobody knows what gender they really are.

Remember, the Democrat narrative is almost always the polar opposite of what they claim to support, hence the name. Planned Parenthood is about cranking out as many abortions as humanly possible (pun intended). Most Democrat-run cities allow third trimester abortions, and killing the child on its day of birth, should the mother simply tell the doctor that she doesn't want it.

And now we have the mRNA-instant-miscarriage "technology" to take care of those fetuses living in rural America. More infanticide. It's all about eugenics, and the Democrat Party wants everybody living in poverty, not just the white people. Try the search engine Brave BETA and get more truth news and real information. Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news about the largest HATE group in America, also known as the Democratic Party.

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