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Report: Canada’s Liberal government under Trudeau spent over $30M to promote LGBT IDEOLOGY in federal agencies
By Ramon Tomey // May 29, 2024

A report has revealed that the Canada's Liberal government under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent more than $30 million to promote LGBT ideology in the country's federal agencies.

LifeSiteNews reported on the issue, citing information released May 21 to the Canadian independent media outlet True North. Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, a journalist and senior researcher for the outlet, reviewed the 400-page inquiry of ministry presented to lawmaker Kerry-Lynne Findlay – a member of the Conservative Party of Canada.

"Government contracts reveal a cabal of consultants trafficking in the dark arts of gender ideology, systemic racism theory and other ideological demagoguery," Dzsurdzsa wrote for True North. He also cited examples of this "egregious spending" that amounted to more than $30 million in taxpayer money.

The Canadian Department of National Defense (DND) received the largest diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) contract amounting to $9.32 million. Employment and Social Development Canada followed at second place with a $6.96 million DEI contract, and the Parole Board of Canada (under Public Safety Canada) received $2.27 million. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) received $2.14 million, while the Department of Canadian Heritage received $1.72 million.

Dzsurdzsa also mentioned that Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) contacted the LGBT organization Egale Canada to conduct "lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender queer (or sometimes questioning) intersexual, asexual and two-spirited cultural competency webinars" between 2020 and 2021. The group was reportedly paid $18,500 for this endeavor.

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Taxpayer dollars were also used for "sex change" seminars at the Veterans Review and Appeal Board, which is under the VAC. Aside from seminars, various indigenous workshops and LGBT Pride flags were charged to the taxpayer dime.

Meanwhile, ISED paid out a hefty $18,465 contract to "energy expert and soul practitioner" Julie Richer for "safe space discussions" conducted online. The sessions involved 890 employees with the ISED's spectrum and telecommunications sector.

"The sector held several safe space discussions for its employees, with an objective to create space and provide resources for constructive and safe dialogue on structural racism, systemic racism and systemic discrimination," the contract reads.

Woke LGBT ideology compromising national security

It is worth noting that the DND has received the greatest amount of money for DEI projects. LifeSiteNews previously reported that the Canadian military spent tax dollars on polls, guest speakers, LGBT flags, presentations and workshops. Some of the workshops covered topics like "the gendered nature of security," while another touched on "integrating gender and diversity perspectives."

Back in 2021, the DND disclosed that it had two separate committees and eight programs which worked to appoint homosexual advisors. These advisors reportedly sought to "innovate" religious instruction and gender-neutral uniforms for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

"Since Trudeau took office, the Canadian military has become increasingly woke and has been forcing LGBT ideology on its personnel," LifeSiteNews pointed out. "Interestingly, at the same time, military recruitment has plummeted." (Related: Woke U.S. military failing to recruit because nobody wants to defend American degeneracy.)

"Last November, officials admitted that the nation's military is shrinking to dangerously low number as Trudeau continues to push the LGBT agenda on Canadian soldiers. In addition to low recruitment, the military is struggling to retain soldiers."

A CAF member previously told the pro-life news outlet that new ideologies are driving away new recruits, adding that radical left-wing ideologies are doing more harm than good for national security. "It's not stopping with the gender ideology," he warned.

"This is not the Canada that we signed up to defend. It's an alien ideology that people don't resonate with. These are not Canadian values of freedom and democracy – these are cancel culture values of censorship, of authoritarianism [and] of radical ideologies that are alien to our culture."

Visit Wokies.news for more stories about the woke LGBT ideology.

Watch Carl Higbie of Newsmax explaining why wokeism is negatively impacting military readiness – a problem present in both the U.S. and Canada.

This video is from the GalacticStorm channel on Brighteon.com.

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