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MUTINY: Israeli soldiers plan REVOLT if war on Gaza ends before “complete victory”
By Ethan Huff // May 29, 2024

If something or someone stops Israel from achieving "complete victory" in Gaza, then an unidentified masked soldier believed to be an Israeli reservist is promising a mutiny.

The following video shows the man explaining that he will not obey orders by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to give Gaza back to the Palestinian people because he wants to annihilate them:

The man, along with "100,000 reservists," is refusing to give Gaza to the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, or any other "Arab entity." The only thing he will accept is total control of Gaza by Israel.

"Yoav Gallant: you can't win the war – resign," the man said. "You can't win this war. You can't command us. I am telling you, Mr Yoav Gallant, if we do not continue until victory, 100,000 reservists will remain on the fence and we will call residents of the State of Israel to come to Gaza under our protection."

(Related: Protesting the war is no longer allowed in Texas after Gov. Greg Abbott decided to turn every college and university throughout the Lone Star State into a thought police enforcement zone.)

Israeli military rejects masked man's plea, opens investigation

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has reportedly opened an investigation into the video, claiming the behavior of the man is a "serious violation" of the Israeli army's orders and values. He could end up being charged with a suspected criminal offense, Israeli media reported.

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A military spokesperson told Haaretz that the chief of staff has convened an "immediate command meeting" to address the video and the claims made by the man. Haaretz did not confirm whether or not the man in the video is actually a soldier.

The man was dressed in an Israeli military uniform and appeared to be speaking from an abandoned building in the Gaza Strip, this according to the Times of Israel.

The video was addressed directly to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this after it was revealed that Gallant is at odds with Netanyahu over the "post-war plan" for Gaza.

Earlier in May, Gallant publicly rejected a plan for open-ended Israeli governance over Gaza, instead demanding that all civilian affairs in the Strip be handled by a Palestinian body. Netanyahu, meanwhile, wants Israel to be in charge.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this video is intended for you, we are reserve soldiers who do not intend on passing the keys of Gaza to any entity; be it Hamas, PLO [Palestine Liberation Organization] or any other Arab entity," the masked man added in his video address.

"The reserve soldiers are behind your back, and we want to win. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You have 100,000 soldiers that are ready to give their souls to the People of Israel ... We will stay here until the end, until victory."

The man concluded his message with a statement that he and the other reservists will only take orders from Netanyahu, not Gallant or the chief of staff. He also claimed that Israeli soldiers want to "tear to pieces whoever is left here," referring to the remaining people living in Gaza.

"No one will stay alive, whoever hurt the people of Israel, whoever hurt our brothers, the Jews, the Druze, the Bedouins, we want to annihilate them," he said.

Rafah is Israel's last stand in Gaza – will the Zionists win in the end? Find out more at WWIII.news.

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