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EU head calls for new brain-bending “vaccines” to “shield” people’s minds, protect “democracy”
By Ethan Huff // May 29, 2024

If re-selected to lead the European Commission (EC), President Ursula von der Leyen is promising to crack down on "wrongthink" with the use of mind-altering "vaccines" that "shield" people's minds and protect "democracy."

In various "campaign" ads she has appeared in across social media, von der Leyen tries to appeal to voters by promising to erect a "Democracy Shield" once the powers that be reinstall her into office.

To better "detect disinformation and malign interference," von der Leyen says she hopes to "make our societies more resilient" by going after and removing "content, including [artificial intelligence] deepfakes."

Even though she is an unelected bureaucrat who does not even get voted in by European people, von der Leyen is pretending as though she is a running candidate who needs popularity among voters in order to "win."

"'Democracy' in the case of this 'Democracy Shield' is really just a euphemism for censorship," writes RT's Rachel Marsden.

"Because what does this 'shield' really protect Europe from, that more free speech can't achieve, other than inconvenient facts? Or from Queen Ursula and the rest of the European establishment having to defend their own ideological lunacy and explain to citizens why the narratives they peddle often don't jibe with reality."

(Related: Last fall, von der Leyen called for global implementation of what sounds a whole lot like the biblical Mark of the Beast.)

"Vaccinating" the public mind with pre-bunking

Von der Leyen's "Democracy Shield" is what we mean by a "vaccine" of the mind. She wants to micromanage everything that gets said and spread online to ensure that only approved "rightspeak" makes it in front of the public eye.

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To call it a "propaganda shield" would be incorrect because at no point has von der Leyen indicated that she actually wants to spread a different message. No, instead she simply wants to censor the messages that we the people are sharing online, also known as "pre-bunking."

Earlier this month, von der Leyen spoke at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit about how pre-bunking "is more successful than de-bunking" because it keeps the wrongthink from appearing in the first place.

"Pre-bunking is the opposite of de-bunking," she said. "In short, prevention is preferable to cure."

"Think of information manipulation as a virus. Instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that's the de-bunking, it is better to vaccinate, so that our body is inoculated. Pre-bunking is the same approach."

In other words, von der Leyen wants to "vaccinate" people against "disinformation" by keeping it from reaching them in the first place, that way they do not have any chance to think about it and determine for themselves whether or not it is believable.

No longer will there be any open debate or discussion about anything because that could result in some people catching the wrongthink "virus" and becoming "infected." The best approach, according to von der Leyen, is to simply keep a lid on all such debate and discussion right out of the gate.

Von der Leyen is calling her forced compliance protocols "societal resilience," which sounds a whole lot more palatable in that it implies a collective resistance to some kind of enemy threat, in this case free speech.

"It's not just fakes or fabricated content," von der Leyen argued in an announcement about her Democracy Shield.

"It's also buying influence and causing chaos. We have seen far-right politicians and lead candidates from AfD in Germany in the pockets of Russia. They are selling their souls on Russian propaganda outlets and videos."

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