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Poll reveals Sen. Tim Scott the most favored vice presidential pick for Trump
By Laura Harris // May 24, 2024

A recent Harvard-Harris poll reveals that voters are more inclined to support former President Donald Trump if he picks Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) as his running mate.

Scott's rise in the ranks of potential vice presidential candidates follows his endorsement of Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary. Since then, Scott has become a frequent and fervent surrogate, offering robust support on the campaign trail and in media appearances. This unwavering backing has not gone unnoticed by Trump and his inner circle.

"We need a president who will unite our country – we need Donald Trump," Scott declared during his endorsement speech at a rally in Concord, New Hampshire in January. The rise of Scott is reflected in the recent Harvard-Harris poll.

The poll, conducted among 1,660 voters on May 15 and 16, places Scott ahead of other prominent contenders in the Republican Party, with 25 percent of voters stating they would be more likely to support a Trump-Scott ticket. This positions him ahead of entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who got 23 percent of those polled, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who received 22 percent.

Other contenders include Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York (19 percent), Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota (16 percent), Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota (15 percent) and former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii (13 percent).

The poll did not mention Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, both of whom have been mentioned as Trump's possible running mates. (Related: Roger Stone: Trump needs someone who has the temperament and judgment of a "to-be president" – definitely not Nikki Haley.)

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Trump singles out Scott as possible VP pick in different interviews

This is not the first time Scott's name has been floated as a potential running mate for Trump.

In a town hall moderated by Fox News host Laura Ingraham in February, Trump himself mentioned Scott as a possible choice while showering praise on the senator.

"You have to have somebody that would be a good president. A lot of people are talking about that gentleman over there,” Trump told Ingraham while pointing to Scott. "He's been so great, such a great advocate. Tim Scott, he has been better for me than for himself. I watched his campaign and he doesn't like talking about himself, he talks about Trump. I said, Tim, you are better for me than for yourself. He's fantastic and a fantastic person."

In a separate interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that same month, Trump mentioned Scott when discussing possible vice presidential picks.

"I called Tim Scott this week, because a lot of people like Tim Scott," Trump said. "I called him, and I said: ‘You are a much better candidate for me than you are for yourself. It could be a lot of people. But it was interesting. I watched him over the last two weeks. As you know, he endorsed me, fully endorsed me, gave me a beautiful endorsement, and he has been really strong in terms of that, but … I don’t want anybody to take even any inference. But it's incredible."

Visit VoteRepublican.news for more stories about the Republican Party.

Watch Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) denouncing the classic Democratic Party strategy of using "racism" to describe the politics of its opponents.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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