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Surgeon downplays risky ‘gender-affirming’ surgeries as an ‘adventure for young people’
By News Editors // May 24, 2024

An explosive series of articles published by the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) include videos displaying the shocking callousness of medical professionals providing so-called “gender-affirming” interventions to young patients, some of whom are just 12 years old.

(Article by Doug Mainwaring republished from LifeSiteNews.com)

At one point, a surgeon who specializes in genital mutilating “affirming” procedures – i.e., the creation of synthetic organs meant to mimic the genitalia of the opposite sex – declared that this type of surgery is an “adventure for young people.”

Later, the same surgeon said of one of his young patients on whom he had committed a mastectomy, “Why wouldn’t I operate on him if he’s 14?”

The investigative reports by the Daily Caller’s Megan Brock and Kate Anderson reveal a willingness by this new breed of medical professional to accept complication rates resulting from sex-change surgeries of up to 80 percent, a sky-high number normally associated with only critical surgeries meant to avoid impending death, surgeries normally reserved for heart surgery patients with no options left, not young teens and 20-somethings with healthy bodies and their whole lives ahead of them.

And these complications are often of the most gruesome, horrifying kind.

‘The transgender medical industry does not have patients’ best interests at heart.’

The exclusive video footage – obtained by the DCNF via FOIA requests – shows World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) members during a series of 2022 behind-closed-doors panel presentations advocating for pushing experimental medical interventions on young people that can have devastating, irreversible complications.

“The videos reveal WPATH-affiliated doctors advocating for children to undergo risky sex change procedures and even pushing for these treatments [sic] for patients struggling with severe mental health issues,” according to the DCNF. “Several sessions were dedicated exclusively to treating [sic] children and included recommendations for minors to receive puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries.”

So-called “sex change” or “gender reassignment” surgery includes procedures to remove and “reconstruct” genitalia and breasts, as well as “feminizing” and “masculinizing” facial surgeries and “body contouring” procedures.

For boys, transgender surgery includes breast implants, castration, and vaginoplasty – surgery to create a replica of female genitalia using penile or bowel tissue.

“Gender reassignment” surgery for girls, known as “phalloplasty,” involves removing their entire reproductive system, including their uterus and ovaries, lengthening the urethra, and constructing synthetic male genitals, often out of tissue from their thigh or forearm.

Girls may also have their breasts removed.

The genital surgeries, of course, irreparably sterilize children and turn them into permanent medical patients who need lifelong follow-up. Research shows that people who undergo such surgeries have a 19-times higher suicide rate than the general population. Girls who undergo mastectomies will never be able to breastfeed their children, if they are even able to have any.

Despite this, the medical professionals in attendance at the event chuckled in unison when a presenter insisted that post-surgical regret is “rare” and ridiculed “the haters” who disagreed. Nevertheless, “it doesn’t matter to us,” said the surgeon, dismissing with a few words those who challenge both the morality and the effectiveness of the experimental medical treatments he performs on young people.

In one disturbing segment, Dr. Alex Laungani, a Mayo Clinic-trained Canadian plastic surgeon, discussed the gruesome complications from “phalloplasty” surgeries, yet simultaneously described the practice as an “adventure.”

“Young individuals (are) ready to embark on the adventure. I tell them it’s going to be an adventure, we’re both together in there, because we have to get to your goals, but there’s going to be a few bumps along the way,” Laungani said.

The “bumps,” however, tend to be enormous.

“There could be delays because of complications – definitely there will be complications. Either it’s stenosis, fistulas, or partial necrosis, wound-healing delays and stuff like that.”

Those medical terms describe horrific, unpleasant negative side effects: “Stenosis” is a narrowing of the urethra; “fistula” describes the formation of a tunnel between the urethra and an adjoining part of the body; and “necrosis” a term for tissue death.

Regarding phalloplasties, Laungani admitted:

It’s a lot to ask, for your body to have the vaginal cavity obliterated, the vaginal mucosa removed, the urethra lengthened, the phalloplasty done with the flap transposed, and then to do everything and then put the penile implant and all that.

It would be a massive rate of infection, it would be more urinary complications, so we stage everything. We do the phallus first, then we work on the urinary tract, and then we do the implants last…

The first night after phalloplasty, I still don’t really sleep well. Because if anything goes wrong, I’ve gotta be fast and act fast so we don’t lose the phallus.

The “gender-affirming” surgeon does not refer to the newly formed appendage as an actual “penis,” but instead calls it a “phallus,” a representation of the male sex organ. In other words, a “fake penis.”

According to the DNCF, “medical professionals from respected organizations such as Do No Harm” argued that “the comments from WPATH-affiliated doctors show that the transgender medical industry does not have patients’ best interests at heart.”

Read more at: LifeSiteNews.com

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