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Migrants rushing to cross the US southern border before Biden loses in November
By Laura Harris // May 24, 2024

Migrants are now rushing to cross the border in fear that the potential victory of former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election will mean stronger immigration policies and the shutting down of the southern border.

Among those migrants are Colombian brothers Ricardo, 20, and Sebastian, 18, who illegally crossed the Arizona border earlier this May. The brothers, who received assistance at the Yuma Regional Center for Border Health, fear that if President Joe Biden loses re-election in November, Trump might shut down the border in his return to office.

"We think with the elections, it will be harder," Ricardo said while waiting for a bus to the Phoenix airport, where they would catch a flight to New Jersey to reunite with their mother. "We don’t want Trump." (Related: Trump to GO HARD against ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and human traffickers if elected for a second term.)

After crossing the southern border, Ricardo and Sebastian turned themselves in to Border Patrol agents in Yuma. They cited threats from criminals in Colombia as the reason for their flight. In turn, Border Patrol agents released them to a local nonprofit aid group, which assisted them in preparing for their initial asylum hearings scheduled for October.

Meanwhile, their mother, who eagerly awaits their arrival in New Jersey, expressed relief over the phone when she learned of their safe passage.

Trump is really planning on shutting down the border once re-elected as president

Illegal immigrants have the right to fear Trump regarding shutting down the border. In a recent interview, Trump also revealed the possibility of building migrant detention camps and the deployment of the military at the border and inland to carry out his deportation operation.

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"I would not rule anything out," said Trump during the interview. "There wouldn’t be that much of a need for them, because of the fact that we’re going to be moving them out. We’re going to bring them back from where they came. It’s possible that we’ll do it to an extent but we shouldn’t have to do very much of it, because we’re going to be moving them out as soon as we get to it. And we’ll be obviously starting with the criminal element."

Similarly, in a Dec. 17 campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, Trump vowed to launch and oversee the biggest deportation of illegals in U.S. history if he gets elected for a second term in November.

"Given the unprecedented millions of Biden illegal aliens who are invading our country, it is only common sense that when I'm reelected, we will begin – and we have no choice – the largest deportation operation in American history," he told the crowd in Reno at that time.

Trump also denounced the immigration policies of Biden, so he promised that on his first day in the White House, he would "terminate every open-borders policy of the Biden administration." He also promised to invoke the Alien Enemies Act, to remove "all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers or cartel members" from the United States.

Aside from mass deportation, Trump also pledged to implement strict ideological screening for all immigrants seeking entry to the United States. In a campaign event back in October, he warned that those who support radical Islamic terrorism, wish to abolish Israel or back Hamas and the ideology behind it would be "disqualified" from potential citizenship. Communists, Marxists and fascists would likewise be disqualified.

He also promised to suspend refugee resettlement once more and reinstate a travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries he put in place during his term, with a planned expansion. Trump also vowed to proactively deploy Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to address pro-jihadist demonstrations and remove immigration law violators from the country.

The former president cited the Oct. 7 Hamas attack as a main factor behind his proposal, and his advocacy toward hardline immigration issues.

"The atrocities in Israel are a horrific reminder that immigration security is national security. The purpose of U.S. immigration law is not to protect the world – it's to protect the United States of America." Trump said.

Watch the clip below that talks about illegals and American citizens being pitted against each other.

This video is from the SamsTwitch channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

NYC Mayor Adams: Illegal immigration under Biden has become a NATIONAL CRISIS.

DeSantis signs anti-illegal immigration bill mandating that businesses ban undocumented workers.

Ann Vandersteel: American Red Cross aiding ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION at southern border – Brighteon.TV.

This needs to STOP! Tax dollars are being used to fund ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION across America.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams warns illegal immigrants will DESTROY the city.

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