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Corrupt Congress pushing U.S. into World War III with Russia
By Ethan Huff // May 24, 2024

Rather than work towards negotiating a peace deal in diplomatic fashion, the United States Congress is begging for World War III with Russia.

Following a meeting with Ukrainian members of parliament (MPs) this week, members of Congress issued a plea for Kiev to receive a much larger war chest to continue fruitlessly fighting back against Russia.

There is no way the Zelensky regime can win the war, of course, but that does not mean Western backers are planning to stop pouring your tax dollars into trying. After all, what do they have to lose? It's your cash they're stealing.

The grouping of congressmen is pushing Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to not only expand Ukraine's war chest but also give the green light for Ukraine to start striking Russian territory with American weapons.

In a letter, these and other requests were made that are sure to lead the U.S. straight into WWIII.

(Related: Congress is also suffering a meltdown over the ICC's issuance of arrest warrants for the leaders of both Israel and Hamas.)

America's leaders are insane

The main request in the above-linked letter is what could become the trigger for WWIII. Russia has repeatedly made it clear that other countries that get directly involved in striking Russian territory are open game for an attack.

Even so, the congressmen want Austin to authorize "the use of U.S.-provided weapons to strike strategic targets within Russian territory under certain circumstances."

It is hard to say if the Biden regime will grant the request or not, seeing as how last week Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh reiterated the Pentagon's stance that American weapons can and will only be deployed in order to "take back Ukrainian sovereign territory," and not to target Russia directly.

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The letter's signatories include:

Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Mike Turner

Ranking committee member Jim Himes

Former president of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Gerry Connolly

These three are begging the U.S. deep state to dump more cash and weapons into Ukraine because "Ukrainians have been unable to defend themselves due to the [President Joe Biden] Administration's current policy."

In order to ensure that Kiev's commanders are equipped "to conduct a full spectrum of operations," it is "essential" for more American weapons and money to be shipped off to Zelensky immediately.

Ukrainian MPs are all about this as well since they will profit heavily from it. They especially have their eyes on obtaining more billion-dollar U.S.-made "Patriot" batteries, which the U.S. says it can no longer afford to send.

Aleksandr Litvinenko, the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, complained to the Financial Times this week that the Biden regime's restrictions on American-made weaponry being used to target Russian territory are "absolutely unfair."

If the U.S. would only send more weapons and cash, then Ukraine could "stymie" Moscow's advances along the front line, as well as target Russian arms depots, logistics hubs and oil refineries deep within its territory.

Russia, meanwhile, is staging tactical nuclear "drills" that involve the delivery of nuclear weapons to troops from storage sites. These same drills also involve arming nuclear missiles and preparing them for launch, which sounds a whole lot like WWIII in the making, does it not?

"These congressmen should be arrested for treason and held in solitary confinement in a D.C. jail," one commenter at RT wrote about these latest developments.

"Their districts should be voided. South Carolina can certainly do without Lindsey Graham. He knows the U.S. military is in bad shape, F-35s are unreliable, Austin and the joint chiefs of staff are all DEI figureheads and we have no fuel."

Nobody wants WWIII except the greedy private central bankers and their political puppets. Learn more at WWIII.news.

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