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Number of Chinese nationals crossing U.S.-Mexico border SOARS as Biden announces ineffective crackdown plan
By Laura Harris // May 22, 2024

More Chinese nationals illegally crossed the United States' southern border with Mexico on the same week President Joe Biden announced his plan to shut down the border once crossings reach 4,000 per day.

On May 15, Biden announced his plan to issue an executive order to close the U.S.-Mexico border if the number of illegal crossings hits 4,000 per day, which would equate to the federal government allowing nearly 1.5 million illegal entries annually.

The day after the announcement, The Federalist reported that there had been an alarming influx of Chinese nationals entering the United States.

According to The Federalist, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has apprehended over 10,000 Chinese nationals on the border since October 2022, compared to 500 in the same period in 2021. In fact, reports show that more Chinese nationals entered the U.S. in the first two days of May than in the entire year of 2021. (Related: MOBS of Chinese illegal immigrants SWARM California border.)

The data reflects another report released in February that the CBP has encountered 29,799 Chinese illegal immigrants at the U.S. southern border since October 2023. Almost 20,000 of these immigrants were encountered at the southwest border, with the majority in the San Diego sector. In fiscal year 2023, there were 52,700 encounters with Chinese migrants, more than double the 27,756 encounters in 2022. In 2021, only 450 Chinese individuals were encountered at the southwest border.

If this trend continues, CBP could encounter around 88,000 Chinese immigrants by Sept. 30, making Chinese nationals the fourth largest group to make their way to the U.S. through the southern border.

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Biden administration still blamed for surge in Chinese migrants despite plans to close U.S.-Mexico border

Despite plans to close the U.S.-Mexico border, the public still blames the Biden administration for the sudden influx of Chinese migrants into the United States.

Under Biden, the number of screening questions for Chinese nationals has been drastically simplified from approximately 40 to just five. This shift toward "processing efficiency" has sparked fears that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) could exploit these vulnerabilities to infiltrate the U.S. with espionage agents.

Similarly, the increase in illegal Chinese entries coincides with heightened tensions between China and the United States. Recently, Biden imposed economic sanctions on Chinese goods, including critical components like aluminum and lithium-ion batteries.

In turn, China employs tactics such as economic pressure, cyberattacks and ideological infiltration – all elements of what some describe as China's "unrestricted warfare" doctrine. And the alarming increase in Chinese migrants could be one of those.

The existence of clandestine Chinese "police stations" in major U.S. cities, such as New York and Los Angeles are also believed to operate under the guise of providing services to Chinese nationals but are suspected of engaging in surveillance and repression activities on behalf of the CCP.

Furthermore, the Biden administration's lax handling of the border crisis has made all other issues worse. In short, the proposed executive order to close the border to address this influx is already too late.

"Joe Biden and the Democrats are terrified – terrible because they know they’re going to be held accountable for the results in this country and the damage done by illegal immigrants who are here. And the Democrats know they’re going to have to pay the price come November elections," said Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY).

Read more about the migrant crisis at OpenBorders.news.

Watch this Fox News broadcast detailing how Chinese migrants are flooding through California's stretch of the southern border.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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