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Diversity executive scammed Nike, Facebook out of millions in elaborate scam
By Ethan Huff // May 20, 2024

If you needed another reason to distrust the so-called "diversity" industry, check this one out.

Former diversity program manager Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, of Marietta, Ga., is a criminal who just received a five-year prison sentence for stealing more than $5 million from Facebook and Nike through an elaborate scheme that involved forging paperwork, defrauding vendors and doing illicit favors in exchange for cash kickbacks.

Furlow-Smiles worked as Lead Strategist, Global Head of Employee Resource Groups and Diversity Engagement at Facebook, now known as Meta, from January 2017 through September 2021. Furlow-Smiles led Facebook's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, which is code for let's get rid of all the white people.

While being paid big bucks at Facebook, Furlow-Smiles created various DEI initiatives, operations and engagement programs to streamline the elimination of white people from the tech sector. According to U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan, Furlow-Smiles also had access to company credit cards, as well as the authority to purchase requisitions and approve invoices for Facebook's authorized vendors.

"She used her position to cheat and defraud the company by causing Facebook to pay numerous individuals for goods and services that were never provided and got kickbacks from those individuals, often in cash," reported The Post Millennial about Furlow-Smiles' criminal activity while at Facebook.

"Furlow-Smiles linked PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App accounts to her Facebook credit cards and used those accounts to pay friends, relatives, and others for goods and services that were never provided. She concealed the bogus charges by submitting fraudulent expense reports, falsely claiming that her associates or their businesses had performed work on programs and events for Facebook when they had not done so."

DEI is a scam, always

What Furlow-Smiles would do as part of her criminal scam is make payments to Facebook's authorized vendors, which then returned the majority of the money right back in the form of kickbacks both to Furlow-Smiles and her husband and possibly other close confidants.

"She also directed them to pay each other and the people she owed money to conceal her involvement," reports explain.

The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) unearthed all of this and more as part of an investigation, which truth be told is something the agency deserves credit for. We now know, thanks to the diligent work of do-gooders at the FBI, that Furlow-Smiles was laundering money in and out of Facebook under the guise of promoting "equality."

Many of Furlow-Smiles' friends, relatives and even former interns from a previous job, nannies, babysitters and a hairstylist were on the dole of this criminal activity. Furlow-Smiles even kicked back some of the stolen cash to her former university tutor.

"Some of the charges Furlow-Smiles caused Facebook to pay included almost $10,000 to an artist for specialty portraits and over $18,000 to a preschool for tuition."

Furlow-Smiles was eventually fired from Facebook, but she then went on to work for Nike from November 2021 through February 2023 as the company's Senior Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which is basically the same exact role she held at Facebook.

(Related: Last fall, Nike closed its flagship store in Portland due to rampant theft that local law enforcement could not care less to prosecute.)

Just like she did at Facebook, Furlow-Smiles embezzled lots of cash at Nike while defrauding the company's vendors.

"According to the Justice Department, Furlow-Smiles stole over $4.9 million from Facebook and over $120,000 from Nike to fund a luxury lifestyle in California, Georgia, and Oregon," The Post Millennial explained about what was uncovered.

If it has diversity in the name, run because it is more than likely the exact opposite of true, genuine inclusion and honesty. Learn more at Deception.news.

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