If you oppose any form of LGBT gender ideology – this includes holding the belief that there are only two genders, male and female – then the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) wants to lock you up for being part of the "anti-gender movement," as they are calling it.
Anything other than total adoption of LGBT perversion is now considered a "violent threat" in Canada after CSIS produced a report for the House of Commons – that report was tabled on May 7 – claiming that "espousing anti-gender extremist rhetoric ... could inspire and encourage serious violence against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, or against those who are viewed as supporters of pro-gender ideology policies and events."
People opposed to the "socio-cultural shifts that are represented by the integration and acceptance of gender theory, including acceptance of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community," should not be allowed to roam free in Canadian society, CSIS insists.
(Related: Did you know that Canadian Muslims are organizing a "Million Person March" to banish gender ideology and child mutilations from Canada?)
It could never be a simple matter of conscience, morality and common sense for a person to hold the belief that LGBT is unnatural and a threat to young people. According to CSIS, any opposition to LGBT ideology constitutes an Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE) movement that poses a "significant threat to Canada's national security."
CSIS also berated those who believe in only two genders as being "homophobic" and "transphobic." This includes Christians who hold to "religious interpretations" and "conspiracy theories," or who manifest "a generalized fear of sociocultural change."
The intelligence unit cited a case involving someone named Geovanny Villalba-Aleman who took a Gender Studies class at the University of Waterloo who stabbed two students and a professor. Villalba-Aleman was charged with attempted murder and 11 offenses in total, with the Crown petitioning to have him also prosecuted as a "terrorist."
CSIS admits that such an incident is rare, and yet the intelligence unit wants to enshrine harsh penalties for anyone who dares to even suggest that there is anything abnormal about the alphabet club of people who have convinced themselves that they are something other than what God created them to be.
Even writing such things in Canada could get a person in trouble, which is why Americans still need to be very grateful for the freedoms we do have. We must also protect those freedoms in any way we can, lest this country follow the same path.
Someone who worked for CSIS for 30 years told The Epoch Times that the agency's note about "anti-gender" deals with certain hate crimes that technically do not fall within its mandate.
"It's not part of the CSIS mandate" because it's "not political, it's not ideological, it's not religious; it's a hate crime," this person said.
"It really makes me wonder if someone's dictating to the service, 'we want you to highlight this stuff,' which I don't think historically we used to do," he added, stating further that "there's an agenda being set here."
The Justin Trudeau regime went all-in on LGBT perversion long ago as it continues to heavily promote "transitioning" minor children into the perversion cult, all the while introducing legislation on a regular basis that pretends to be about helping to protect children from anything that might harm them.
Trudeau's 2024 budget includes $150 million in taxpayer monies for the promotion of "2SLGBTQI+" ideology both in Canada and all around the world.
It is disheartening to see the rapid disintegration of the West due in part to the LGBT takeover. Learn more at Transhumanism.news.
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