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House committee opens probe of donations by Soros-linked Tides Foundation to U.S. Chamber of Commerce
By Ramon Tomey // May 12, 2024

A committee in the Republican-led House of Representatives has begun an investigation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) receiving donations from a foundation linked to Hungarian globalist billionaire George Soros.

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (WMC), kickstarted the probe by sending a letter addressed to USCC President and CEO Suzanne Clark and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation (USCCF) CEO Carolyn Cawley. Through the May 6 letter, the congressman asked why the USCCF accepted $12 million in donations from the Tides Foundation, which Soros reportedly funds.

Both the USCC and the USCCF under it are tax-exempt entities, according to the Epoch Times. The former is the world's largest business organization and claims to "advocate, connect, inform, and fight for business growth and America's success."

In contrast, the left-leaning Tides Foundation "partners with and sponsors several anti-business organizations" according to Smith's letter. The foundation's vision states that "a just and

equitable future can exist only when communities who have been historically denied power have

the social, political, and economic power they need to create it."

"Contrary to the USCC's stated mission of improving lives 'by advancing American business' and advocating 'for policies that help businesses create jobs and grow our economy,' it seems odd that the foundation would accept funding from a group like the Tides Foundation, which is so focused on activities that are counter to USCC's stated mission," the congressman for the Show-Me State continued.

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"Does USCC share the vision of the Tides Foundation? If not, why would USCC accept funds from a group so opposed to its mission? Or perhaps the better question is, why would the Tides Foundation think that this donation would advance its interest?"

The WMC chairman gave the two USCC executives until the afternoon of May 20 to respond to his letter.

Tides Foundation supports various anti-business initiatives

To hammer his point, Smith cited an example of an anti-business endeavor supported by the Tides Foundation – the International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR). According to its website, the ICAR – a coalition of more than 40 member and partner organizations – is "committed to ending corporate abuse of people and the planet."

"We advocate for real protections and strong enforcement of the law to protect the public by enacting reasonable safeguards against corporate abuse, protecting those who speak out against corporate wrongdoing and combating the rise of the corporate state."

Last December, ICAR published a report titled "Building A Rights-Based Economy: A Corporate Accountability Agenda." The report alleged that "transnational corporations with intentionally complex, opaque supply chains can conceal systematic wage theft, forced labor and attacks against human rights defenders. It also alleged that "companies that pay little to nothing in

federal income taxes go on to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying for their


The Epoch Times also mentioned two other initiatives supported by the Soros-linked foundation. The Immigrants Belong Fund seeks to overcome public perception that an expanded immigrant labor market would pose a danger to America's "economy and way of life." Another endeavor called the Frontline Justice Fund provides grants to support environmental litigation.

A spokesperson for the foundation said in a statement emailed to the Epoch Times that the $12 million given to the USCCF was used for the Hiring Our Heroes program. The initiative connects the military community with American businesses to create economic opportunity and a strong and "diversified workforce."

The spokesperson also mentioned that the foundation is "aware of and monitoring" the WMC's request to the USCC regarding the contributions the latter accepted from Tides. "It is our view that the request for comment is a politically motivated [public relations] tactic during an election year, driven by actors who disagree with the social justice work of Tides and our partner organizations," they continued.

Head over to Soros.news for similar stories.

Watch Rob Schmitt of Newsmax explaining how George Soros' money is throughout the Left's radical agenda.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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GOP-WaysAndMeans.House.gov [PDF]



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