In an announcement, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) unveiled the group's first-ever "definitive position statement on transphobia" along with the publication of its first-ever "positive statement on transphobia." In short, CSP wants to ban all "transphobes" from the psychotherapy profession, which is discriminatory and very likely illegal.
The group's statement on "transphobia" describes its purpose as "eradicating [transphobia] from our profession," instructing members to "raise concerns about colleagues" who express any "personal values, biases and beliefs" that may cause them to "discriminate" against others, mainly LGBTs.
To "deny" someone's alternate gender identity, CSP says, is to "discriminate" against them. "Refusing to accept it," the group further maintains about psychotherapists who reject transgender ideology, will be subject to removal from the profession.
CSP is proud of this new position, calling it "a milestone for the profession." On social media, though, many are chattering about how CSP is quite possibly violating the law with this new agenda.
(Related: Did you know that at least 34 percent of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases?)
There are also a number of internal memos never published that, according to Reduxx, which obtained them for analysis, reveal another CSP goal to prevent its "channels (from) being used to spread transphobia." Members of the group who detect violations are urged to report them to the Corporate Comms Team.
CSP came up with its pro-trans declarations after a consultation, according to the "LGBTQIA+ voice and network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Definitions of Transphobia Working Group," which was preceded by a "Statement of Intent" issued in January of 2023.
It took the group years to come up with an official statement, which was finally announced via X just the other day.
Stephanie Land, chair of the CSP LGBTQIA+ network, thanked and praised both staff and members for their "efforts and emotional labor" in working towards creating this "pivotal piece of work."
Transphobia, a common trope used to denigrate those who oppose the LGBT religion as being "scared" of transgenders, is defined by CSP as having no actual definition beyond just "questioning a transgender person's gender identity."
The word is admittedly loaded and "complex," the group admits, but it is necessary to protect the "safety of transgender members and transgender patients," CSP insists.
The group "TransActual" attempted to define the word transphobia in much further depth, but failed just as CSP did in describing the alleged consequences of it rather than what it actually is:
"The consequence of transphobia is that trans people struggle to live openly and comfortably in society. An ultimate outcome may be the erasure of trans people as a viable class of people. Transphobia includes, but is not limited to:
Attempting to remove trans people's rights.
Misrepresenting trans people.
Systematically excluding trans people from discussions about issues that directly affect them.
Other forms of discrimination."
As you can see, this so-called "definition" fails to actually define what transphobia is, instead describing how mentally deranged transgenders feel about the perception of being unaccepted in normal society.
Despite having no actual definition, Sarine Baz, chair of CSP's Equity, Diversity and Belonging committee, transphobia, whatever it actually is, is "never acceptable."
"Expressing negative attitudes or feelings towards transgender individuals, or other transphobic actions, can't be tolerated," Baz says.
Not only is transphobia not allowed at CSP any longer, but members must also be pro-transgender activists while off the job by "show[ing] allyship by challenging transphobia outside the profession."
The latest news about the deranged goals of the Cult of LGBT can be found at
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