While everyone has been focused on the Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Gaza wars, the U.S. Congress is actively working towards turning the country into a full-fledge surveillance state.
The legislation in question, which is buried deeply within Section 702 of the reauthorization bill (RISAA) currently before the House, is described as "the biggest expansion of domestic surveillance since the Patriot Act."
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) called the bill "terrifying," promising to do everything he can to stop it from being passed. Demand Progress has also created a portal through which you can contact your representatives and tell them to VOTE NO on this highly invasive new law.
"This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history," Wyden tweeted along with the official tally showing that the House just voted 273-147 to extend FISA Section 702's surveillance powers for another two years.
"I will do everything in my power to stop it from passing in the Senate."
(Related: Did you know that the federal government created a secret "web portal" through which it tracked Americans' "MAGA" purchases?)
As explained by Elizabeth Goitein on X, current law allows the U.S. government to compel "electronic communications service providers" with direct access to people's communications to assist the National Security Agency (NSA) in spying on the American people.
"In practice, that means companies like Verizon and Google must turn over the communications of the targets of Section 702 surveillance," Goitein writes. "(The targets must be foreigners overseas, although the communications can – and do – include communications with Americans.)"
The new law would change the definition of "electronic communications surveillance provider" via an amendment to vastly expand what Goitein describes as "the universe of entities that can be compelled to assist the NSA."
"If the bill becomes law, any company or individual that provides ANY service whatsoever may be forced to assist in NSA surveillance, as long as they have access to equipment on which communications are transmitted or stored – such as routers, servers, cell towers, etc.," Goitein explains.
"That sweeps in an enormous range of U.S. businesses that provide wifi to their customers and therefore have access to equipment on which communications transit. Barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, dentist's offices ... the list goes on and on."
Commercial landlords that rent out office spaces where tens of millions of Americans go every day to work would also be swept into the NSA snitching pipeline via the new amendment.
While some entities would be exempt – hotels, libraries and coffee shops, to name a few – the vast majority would not, meaning just about every American business could be probed by the NSA to share confidential communications information on demand.
"The amendment even extends to service providers who come into our homes," Goitein further explains. "House cleaners, plumbers, people performing repairs and IT services providers have access to laptops and routers inside our homes and could be forced to serve as surrogate spies."
"None of these people or businesses would be allowed to tell anyone about the assistance they were compelled to provide. They would be under a gag order, and they would face heavy penalties if they failed to comply with it."
Be sure to take the time to contact Congress to oppose this new amendment before it is too late!
The latest news about the police state takeover of America by the globalists can be found at Tyranny.news.
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