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Report: U.S. may intervene if Iran directly attacks Israel
By Richard Brown // Apr 12, 2024

An American official has informed Al Jazeera that the Department of Defense might intervene militarily in the event of an Iranian attack on Israel.

"We do not rule out launching joint retaliatory strikes with Israel if it is attacked by Iran or its agents," said the American official. However, there was no elaboration on whether a joint Israel-United States response would involve offensive strikes against Iran or solely defensive measures, such as the deployment of anti-air defenses.

U.S. Army Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, is anticipated to make a visit to Israel soon to coordinate a joint response to a potential attack on Israel by Iran or its proxies. He is expected to meet with senior Israeli Defense Forces officials as well as with Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.

Recent threats from Israeli officials suggested the possibility of targeting Iranian nuclear sites, an act that could gravely escalate concerns of a wider conflict amid already heightened tensions following Israel's deadly attack on Iran's embassy in Syria on April 1. (Related: Iran declares RED LINE: If U.S. strikes Iranian soil over three soldier deaths, Iran will strike numerous American targets throughout Middle East.)

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said his nation is committed to retaliating against Israel for the Damascus strike, which he described as an attack on Iranian territory.

Strike against Israel "imminent"

Intelligence agencies anticipate a retaliatory attack very soon. U.S. intelligence suggests the first retaliatory strike will be done with missiles targeting sites within Israel. It is uncertain whether these missiles will be launched by Iran or its proxies, but the attack is expected to be "imminent."

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This assault, potentially utilizing high-precision missiles, is anticipated to occur in the coming days, according to sources familiar with the intelligence.

There is also disagreement regarding where Israel will be hit. U.S. and other Western intelligence agencies do not believe an attack from Iran and its proxies will target Israel's north, where Hezbollah, Tehran's ally in Lebanon, has been busy targeting Israeli military sites with rockets and artillery.

Questions have also been raised as to the extent of Tehran's desire to retaliate. There is concern that it may try to target a high-ranking Israeli official as revenge for the death of Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a high-ranking military officer within the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria during the Damascus embassy strike.

Alternatively, analysts suggest that Tehran may just want to try to save face by giving the impression of retaliation sufficient enough to claim that it has responded while avoiding an Israeli counterstrike that could escalate into a regional conflict.

Recent statements from Tehran consist of Iran reaching out to Washington by stating that it will respond to Israel's attack on its Syrian embassy in a way that will avoid major escalation. Tehran added that it will not act "hastily," and the wider goal of this retaliation will be to help pressure Israel to agree to certain demands, including a ceasefire in Gaza.

A source within the U.S. intelligence community confirmed to Reuters that Iran has been signaling very clearly that its response to the attack on the Damascus embassy would be "controlled" and "non-escalatory" and could be done using regional proxies who will be responsible for launching retaliatory attacks on Israel.

Watch this video discussing how Iran is preparing a potentially devastating response to Israel's airstrike against its embassy in Syria.

This video is from the Neroke 5 channel on Brighteon.com.

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