The PMCPA, established by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, found that Pfizer breached five tenets in their Code of Practice for advertising. The PMCPA took issue with the lack of information on safety and side effects for Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine and condemned the very necessity of the vaccine, calling its usefulness “limited.”
These complaints of false advertisement were originally brought forth in February 2023 by a U.K. pharmaceutical industry watchdog group named UsForThem. The watchdog group, and now the British government regulator, charge top Pfizer executives with “misleadingly and illegally promoting its COVID-19 vaccine.”
Late in 2020, top Pfizer executives, including U.K. Medical Director Berkeley Phillips, promoted their "vaccine candidate" as "95 percent effective in preventing Covid-19, and 94 percent effective in people over 65 years old." Four top Pfizer employees retweeted this propaganda, spreading a blatant falsehood that led many medical professionals astray, as they “trusted the science.”
A PMCPA investigatory panel scrutinized the messaging that came from Pfizer’s top employees and found that there was limited efficacy information to support their claims. Moreover, they found that there was no safety information on the experimental product – a violation of rules about misleading the public and providing accurate data. The panel said that Pfizer and its employees are prohibited from promoting medicines before they receive market authorization. In the end, the panel ruled that Pfizer promoted "an unlicensed medicine" that was "proactively disseminated on Twitter to health professionals and members of the public in the United Kingdom."
UsForThem filed the complaint against Pfizer because "such misbehavior was even more widespread" than they previously calculated. The deception extended "right to the top" of Pfizer’s U.K. operation, and "was apparently continuing to this very day."
In February 2023, the PMCPA clamped down on Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, after he made “misleading” and “unqualified” comments while promoting COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to young children during an interview on the BBC.
Pfizer and its employees disseminated dangerous misinformation that turned out to be harmful for tens of millions of people around the globe. The company did not include information about absolute risk reduction or provide the required information about the safety of the so-called vaccine. This fraud continues to this day, and children are still being adversely affected. Countless adverse events were concealed from the rushed clinical trials. These adverse events were later revealed when a U.S. judge ordered the release of Pfizer’s preliminary findings.
Now, after deceiving the world and harming untold millions, Pfizer said it "fully recognizes and accepts the issues highlighted by this PMCPA ruling" and is "deeply sorry."
This is the first time Pfizer has taken any sort of responsibility, on paper. However, a Pfizer spokesperson did attempt to shift the blame to individual employees, even though these top level employees were following the company’s lead at the time.
"Pfizer U.K. has a comprehensive policy on personal use of social media in relation to Pfizer’s business which prohibits colleagues from interacting with any social media related to Pfizer’s medicines and vaccines — backed by staff briefings and training," the spokesman said.
“The personal use of social media by U.K. pharmaceutical industry employees in relation to company business is a challenging area for pharmaceutical companies,” he added.
True accountability won’t be realized until Pfizer executives face charges for false advertisement of an experimental mRNA product, for covering up adverse events for a defective product, and for deceptively promoting the efficacy of that product. Once these issues are addressed, then a jury needs to consider charges of manslaughter, and determine whether the mass murder was negligent or premeditated.
Read more: MHRA, Pfizer and U.K. officials accused of misconduct, fraud and gross negligent manslaughter in new criminal investigation.
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