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World turning on Israel after IDF war criminals triple-bomb aid workers feeding Palestinian civilians
By Ethan Huff // Apr 05, 2024

Israel's recent triple-bombing of food aid workers in Gaza is driving the rest of the world, including its "best friend" the United States, even further away from supporting the Zionist regime.

President Biden joined a chorus of other world leaders in expressing fury over the drone strikes that left seven food aid workers from World Central Kitchen dead while in route to a destination that was pre-arranged with Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

After setting up the clearly-marked humanitarian convoy with full knowledge of the IDF, the food aid workers headed to their destination, only to be bombed three separate times by IDF drones.

According to Biden, Israel "has not done enough to protect aid workers trying to deliver desperately needed help to civilians" in Gaza, where food, water and medical supplies are scarce because of the war.

Biden is now calling for a "swift" investigation into what happened, emphasizing that this is hardly a "stand alone incident."

Israel's response to the bombing has been to express "regret" about it, claiming it was "a grave mistake."

Among the dead is American-Canadian man Jacob Flickinger, 33, a retired Master Corporal with the Canadian Armed Forces.

"I am outraged and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen, including one American, in Gaza yesterday," Biden wrote in a strongly-worded statement about the incident.

"They were providing food to hungry civilians in the middle of a war. They were brave and selfless. Their deaths are a tragedy. Israel has pledged to conduct a thorough investigation into why the aid workers' vehicles were hit by airstrikes. That investigation must be swift, it must bring accountability, and its findings must be made public."

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(Related: Did you catch Judge Napolitano's recent interview with Dennis Kucinich, who explained how Israel has exposed itself as a rogue nation?)

World leaders fume at Israel

On Facebook, Flickinger's father wrote a tribute to his son, whom he said was "killed Monday delivering food aid to starving families in Gaza."

"He died doing what he loved and serving others through his work with the World Central Kitchen," the tribute continued.

Jeremy MacKenzie, another Canadian Armed Forces serviceman, wrote his own tribute to Flickinger, describing him as "an infantryman with Quebec's Royal 22nd Regiment" and an "Afghanistan veteran who retired in 2019."

"He loved to help other veterans rehabilitate injuries and volunteered his services to personal (sic) train them for rehabilitation and get them back in shape," MacKenzie wrote.

"Volunteered to help with the trucker convoy in Quebec City in 2022."

The Canadian Department of National Defence honored Flickinger in a statement as well, expressing "sincere condolences" to his family, friends and former colleagues.

Leaders all around the world are now demanding answers from Israel as to how and why these innocent aid workers were bombed as if they were terrorists when that was clearly not the case.

The United Kingdom summoned Israel's ambassador to London to provide "full accountability" for the incident. The UK is also considering suspending all arms sales to Israel if an investigation reveals any wrongdoing.

Keep in mind that these seven aid workers who were killed are just a drop in the bucket compared to the roughly 32,000 other innocents Israel has bombed and killed since October 7.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said these latest seven "join a record number of humanitarian workers who have been killed in this particular conflict."

Israel, meanwhile, continues to forge on in its war with the Netanyahu regime claiming it must continue as is in order to eradicate Hamas.

Israel under Netanyahu will not stop bombing Gaza until Hamas is eradicated. Learn more at Prophecy.news.

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