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POLL: Inflation and immigration rank as top concerns for voters as Biden and Trump gear up for 2024 rematch
By Laura Harris // Mar 28, 2024

As the political arena gears up for a highly anticipated rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in November, likely voters across the United States have voiced their primary concerns, with inflation, illegal immigration and the economy taking center stage.

The poll by Center Square Voters' Voice and Noble Predictive Insights surveyed 2,510 voters, including Republicans, Democrats and independents, and was conducted from March 11 to 15, with a margin of error of plus or minus two percent.

According to the survey's results, likely voters have identified inflation and price increases (45 percent), illegal immigration (44 percent) and the economy/jobs (24 percent) as the key issues guiding their decisions at the ballot box. (Related: POLL: Immigration now the leading policy concern among U.S. voters.)

Noble Predictive Insights Chief of Research David Byler noted that the widespread concern over inflation transcends different political affiliations.

"Inflation is a high-ranking issue among Democrats and Republicans and True Independents. Every political group thinks this matters," he said.

The inflation rate, which peaked at 9.1 percent in June 2022, continues to hover above the two percent target of the Federal Reserve, with the all-items index increasing by 3.2 percent over the past 12 months before seasonal adjustment. This price surge has significantly strained household budgets across the nation, regardless of income level.

Simultaneously, illegal immigration has surged in attention, moving from a mid-tier concern to one of the most pressing issues as border states like Arizona and Texas grapple with the influx of migrants. Texas, in particular, has garnered attention for busing over 100,000 migrants to cities nationwide, including New York, Chicago and Denver.

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Abortion rights (22 percent), crime and violence (22 percent), government corruption (20 percent), so-called climate change (19 percent), access to healthcare (18 percent), government spending and the national debt (16 percent) and national security (16 percent) are among the other key issues cited by voters in the poll.

Inflation and immigration have been  the top concerns of voters since 2023

The result of the recent poll reflects other polls from previous months.

In a recent Gallup poll conducted from Feb. 1 to 20, immigration has surpassed all other current issues, with 28 percent of Americans identifying it as the most important problem in the country to date. This marks an eight percent increase compared to the 20 percent of respondents who voted for it in January.

Government-related issues follow closely after immigration, receiving 20 percent of votes. Meanwhile, the economy and inflation received 12 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

Another poll from the Harvard University Center for American Political Studies, in collaboration with market research and analytics firm The Harvard Poll, conducted in January, also shows similar results. It reveals that 35 percent of respondents consider immigration their primary concern in the upcoming election, with inflation closely trailing at 32 percent.

"Economy and jobs" garnered 25 percent of the respondents' votes, following immigration and inflation. "Crime and drugs" and healthcare each received only 16 percent of the votes, while the deficit and national security garnered 14 percent each. Corruption and the environment were of the least concern, with only 13 percent of respondents highlighting that these issues are their main concerns.

The polls continue to reflect in all other election-related polls, even in 2023.

Byler argued that these and other election-related polls reveal that when both candidates are widely recognized and have previously held positions of power, the focus is expected to shift to the specific issues at hand rather than their personalities and backgrounds.

"When we're in an election like this where both candidates are highly well-known, Americans have the experience of being governed by both men, you're in a situation where the issue matrix really matters," Byler explained. "The issues have shifted from ones that favored Biden in 2020 to ones that Trump tends to perform best on, like the economy and like immigration."

Watch this episode of "The Duran" show as hosts Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris interview Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the American nightmare that is the Biden White House.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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