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Moscow terrorist attack: A declaration of war by the West against Russia
By News Editors // Mar 26, 2024

The following exposé makes it quite clear who really carried out the military terror operation at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Moscow.

However, the post below reveals who actually ordered that terrorist attack from the highest echelons of the U.S. Federal Government.

(Article republished from StateOfTheNation.co)

Basically, what the US State Department did with this purposefully timed, false flag, mass casualty event was send a number of HUGE messages to the Kremlin.

First, it was meant to be a malevolent ‘election victory present’ from the United States to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Second, it was perpetrated with such cold calculation and brutal efficiency to demonstrate to the Russian people that they are no longer safe under a Putin presidency.

Third, this barbaric mass murder was designed as a revenge act for the tremendous battlefield losses that the Ukraine has continually sustained by Russia’s overwhelming military power.

Fourth, this brazen and desperate move in the Russian capital was intended to show that even the Kremlin is no longer safe from the workings of the US-UK-UA-EU-NATO Terror Group which also includes Israel’s MOSSAD.

Fifth, this was a loud and clear “Declaration of War” on Russia by the Zio-Anglo-American Axis, coming as it did in the wake of France saying they they would not rule out putting boots on the ground in Ukraine.

Sixth, there is always a triggering cause for the most monumental of terrorist operations which are fastidiously planned out to both stun the targeted nation as they shock the whole world.  In this case, as in almost every case, it is the Zionist State of Israel that issued the original order: See: ‘Russia Will Pay a High Price for Killing Israelis’ – Amir Weitmann… … …as well as calculated all the details of this black op as follows:

Zionists Are Behind Moscow Terror Attack

There is also a seventh, eighth, ninth, etc. which will be covered in a future post.

The global geopolitical chessboard is currently being played out on many levels, some call it 5D chess, but in reality it’s beyond 12D.  In point of fact, what the whole world is now witnessing is “the final battle between the forces of light and the powers of darkness”.

However, if there is one uncommon explanation which lays bare what’s really going on between Russia and Ukraine (and the West), the following exposé does:

THE FINAL WORLD WAR: Khazarians vs. the Rus’ People

Read more at: StateOfTheNation.co

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