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BEWARE: Some of the Haitian migrants pouring into Florida are ARMED
By Ethan Huff // Mar 19, 2024

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida gave a press conference earlier this week warning that the illegal alien migrants heading to the Sunshine State from Haiti are packing heat.

In a statement, DeSantis said authorities intercepted a boat carrying 25 illegal aliens from Haiti, all of whom were carrying firearms, drugs and even night vision gear.

"That vessel was interdicted," DeSantis said. "Those illegal aliens were turned over to the Coast Guard for deportation."

The boat was first stopped by a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) crew while they were patrolling near Sebastian Inlet at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 29. The 42-foot vessel was determined to be involved in a "human smuggling operation."

After investigators arrived, they found 25 individuals on board, including five unaccompanied children. There were also weapons, night vision gear and drugs.

The vessel's operator and one passenger were both identified as United States citizens. Those two were turned over to the Brevard County Sheriff's Office, according to a press release.

(Related: Speaking of migrants, did you know that Panama just banned Doctors Without Borders after discovering corruption taking place inside NGO tents?)

Influx of Haitian migrants into U.S. to worsen

The suspected migrants, whom DeSantis repeatedly referred to as "illegal aliens," are the product of growing criminal violence in Haiti resulting from criminal gangs, led, reportedly, by someone named "Barbeque."

The gangs, which rove the capital city of Port-au-Prince, are fighting for power following the recent resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

A nation known for poverty, violence and poor, if any, leadership at time, Haiti has been in a state of crisis for some time. That crisis has gotten worse, though, ever since the assassination of previous President Jovenel Moise in 2021 at the height of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

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"People are trying to flee Haiti to places like the U.S., and the situation is likely going to get worse as the violence continues," a source is quoted as saying about the crisis.

"Activists will tell you immigration from Haiti to the U.S. is closely tied to the situation inside the country, including the insecurity. More insecurity in Haiti means more people will try to go to the U.S. to save their lives. We are already seeing this."

In anticipation of a coming flood of Haitian migrants – Florida would be the first and probably final destination for most of them – DeSantis is sending more than 250 additional officers and soldiers to the state's borders with the ocean, as well as a number of aircraft and boats to "protect" the state from what he described as the "possibility of invasion."

"Given the circumstances in Haiti, I have directed the Division of Emergency Management, the Florida State Guard and state law enforcement agencies to deploy over 250 additional officers and soldiers and over a dozen air and seacraft to the southern coast of Florida to protect our state," DeSantis said.

"No state has done more to supplement the (under-resourced) U.S. Coast Guard's interdiction efforts; we cannot have illegal aliens coming to Florida."

In the comments, someone speculated that perhaps "Biden or Soros provided the invaders with the tactical equipment."

"Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they did!" this person added.

Will America collapse under the weight of the escalating migrant invasion? Find out more at InvasionUSA.news.

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