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Health Ranger Report: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny outlines the 4 categories of COVID-19 VACCINE INJURIES
By Kevin Hughes // Mar 13, 2024

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, the host of "The Tenpenny Files: On Your Health" on Brighteon.TV, joined the Health Ranger Mike Adams on "Health Ranger Report" to talk about the four categories of vaccine injuries caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections.

Tenpenny, an osteopathic medical doctor, earlier mentioned that she discovered 40 vaccine injury mechanisms caused by the COVID-19 shots. She then divided them into different categories, which she shared with Adams.

Category One: Sudden deaths

The first category of COVID-19 vaccine injury mechanisms, Tenpenny shared, is called sudden deaths. People who die suddenly within the first 48 hours post-vaccination fall under this category. She added that this is well-documented – with most casualties suffering from heart attacks, strokes and blood clots within the first 24 to 48 hours after getting injected. (Related: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns of MORE DEATHS from COVID injections.)

Category Two: Spike protein disease

Tenpenny dubbed the second category as spike protein disease, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein messenger (mRNA) that replicates continuously in the human body.

"It doesn't stop because it's been synthetically modified. Our regular mRNA … breaks down really quickly," Tenpenny explained. "We've got enzymes that break it down really quickly, and if they were to inject a shot that just had regular mRNA into our system, it would be degraded very quickly within a matter of hours – and certainly within a matter of a couple of days."

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According to the well-known physician, scientists figured out how to synthetically modify regular mRNA by replacing a nucleic acid called uridine with pseudouridine. This pseudouridine, she added, allows the mRNA along with the lipid nanoparticle to stay in existence and replicate indefinitely. Tenpenny also mentioned that autopsies performed on people who died of vaccine injuries within the first eight to 12 months found that pseudouridine-laced mRNA was continuing to replicate and create spike proteins.

Category Three: Autoimmune diseases

Tenpenny also mentioned that there is also a big class of people who don't have any health problems or underlying health conditions. However, this doesn't mean they're safe just yet – as they fall under the third category of autoimmune diseases.

She pointed out that it can take months to years for autoimmune diseases to ramp up and become a real problem. The host of "The Tenpenny Files" recounted a conversation she had with two immunologists, who told her that people are in big trouble for the next 10 years due to the upcoming rampant autoimmune disease.

Category Four: Turbo cancers

Tenpenny mentioned that the fourth category is called turbo cancers. Examples of these turbo cancers include leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Adams also mentioned that these turbo cancers could also be an effect of spike protein disease, the second category of vaccine injuries.

The osteopathic doctor agreed, adding that the infertility problem also falls under this category. This infertility, part of the bigger depopulation plan, is happening worldwide due to the spike protein reaching the reproductive organs of young people.

Tenpenny: People should keep talking about vaccine injuries

Tenpenny ultimately stressed the importance of continuing to talk about the COVID-19 vaccine injury mechanisms. Several people are learning of these just now, she added, and those who know of these things have to educate others. Tenpenny also called on people to force transparency and accountability from the government, which has not only allowed the use of these vaccines but also actively involved itself in injecting the population.

The Health Ranger also exhorted viewers to attend Tenpenny's latest web discussion about the 40 mechanisms of COVID-19 vaccine injuries, which people can watch free after signing up at the Brighteon University website.

Watch the full conversation between Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and the Health Ranger Mike Adams about vaccine injuries below.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

The Tenpenny Report TV: Fertility rates dropping, miscarriages skyrocketing – Brighteon.TV.

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