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New House bill would allow to Americans to sue manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines for adverse events and deaths
By Ava Grace // Mar 10, 2024

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has introduced a bill that would allow Americans to sue the manufacturers of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for vaccine-related adverse events, including deaths, by removing the liability shield that protects vaccine makers.

Roy said that the Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act, or the LIABLE Act, is necessary because Americans "deserve justice for the infringement on their personal medical freedom and those medically harmed deserve restitution."

The LIABLE Act would "allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many Americans via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries," according to a summary of the bill. (Related: COVID vaccine compensation claims totaling over $100M lodged against AstraZeneca.)

"These vaccines were given emergency use authorization unilaterally and did not go through the normal U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process," the summary continued.

"The damages and fatalities caused by the vaccine demand accountability. This legislation represents a critical milestone in rectifying these injustices and paving the way for a more accountable future. This legislation is crucial for holding vaccine manufacturers accountable," said Mary Holland, president Children’s Health Defense.

Bill proposes removal of all federal liability protections for Big Pharma

The way the LIABLE Act removes federal liability protections for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers is by removing those said protections when they were made into law when the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) was passed in 2005.

The PREP Act protects manufacturers and people who administer the vaccines from liability. This protection was extended to the manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines, with the only exception being in cases of death or serious injury caused by "willful misconduct."

The liability shield is even removed from individuals who, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, reasonably could have believed they were protected even if, in actuality, they were not.

Along with removing the so-called liability shield, the LIABLE Act also preserves the ability of injured Americans to access pre-existing compensation programs such as the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Such access would be retroactive, allowing Americans vaccinated and injured before the LIABLE Act's passage to sue.

"No federal law … may make the manufacturer of a COVID-19 vaccine immune from suit or liability, or limit the liability of such a manufacturer, with respect to claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a COVID-19 vaccine," the bill reads.

"The long train of abuses committed by the government and public health establishment in response to COVID-19 will continue to impact the American people for years to come," said Roy in his statement wherein he expressed his desire for this bill to pass "to empower Americans to remove crony federal liability protections for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and empower injured Americans."

"Millions of Americans were forced to take a shot out of fear of losing their livelihoods and under false pretenses. Many have faced injury from the vaccine, but few have been afforded little recourse."

Watch this video from CHD.TV discussing the Children's Health Defense's challenge to the PREP Act's liability shield for COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers.

This video is from the PureTrauma357 channel on Brighteon.com.

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