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Illegals now breaking into America through unfenced NORTHERN border with Canada: “Record-breaking surge”
By Ethan Huff // Feb 15, 2024

When it comes to the American border crisis, it is not just the southern border that illegals are busting through and putting American families at risk.

New reports warn that some illegal aliens are now surging through America's northern border with Canada, which is largely unfenced. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) data shows that in 2023, more than 12,000 migrants were apprehended along the line separating the United States from Canada.

Compared to 2022 when just 3,578 illegals were apprehended along America's northern border, 2023's figures are nearly quadruple the number, which suggests the border crisis is escalating.

Most of these illegal border crossings in the north, around 70 percent, occurred along a 295-mile stretch called the Swanton Sector, which includes upstate New York, New Hampshire and Vermont.

"Since October 1, 2023, Swanton Sector Border Patrol Agents have apprehended more than 3,100 subjects from 55 countries (more than Fiscal Years 2022, 21, 20 & 19 combined)," tweeted Robert Garcia, the chief border patrol agent for the northern border sector, on X.

"Photo: An early morning apprehension of 4 adult males from Bangladesh on February 1, near Mooers, New York."

According to Garcia, the current influx of illegals via the northern border has reached "record-breaking" status. Recently, a citizen's report in Champlain, N.Y., resulted in the arrest of 10 illegals originating from Pakistan. Garcia urges American citizens to call 1-800-689-3362 if they spot any more illegals who have broken through the northern border under his watch.

(Related: Some American host families are now taking in illegal migrants to live with them.)

Illegals flying from Mexico to Montreal to break in from the north

Experts say the scheme is even more devious in that many of the illegals flooding in from the northern border actually originated from the southern border.

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"Migrants who make it to Mexico and can afford a $350 one-way plane ticket from Mexico City or Cancun to Montreal or Toronto are making their way south to cross the northern U.S. border where they are less likely to be turned away than those who cross the southern border," the New York Post quoted one of these experts as saying.

It turns out that very few people ever even considered the risk of illegal entry via the north, which is why pretty much the whole of it remains fence- and wall-free. Though they have to trek through many miles of cold and snow to make it work, illegals are learning that the northern border is easier to enter than the southern border, which currently has all eyes focused on it.

"The northern border has pretty much been ignored," said New York State Assemblyman Billy Jones, a representative in Clinton County.

In the past week, a migrant smuggling ring was identified in New Jersey. "Dozens if not hundreds" of illegals were reportedly bused through an unfenced portion of the northern border between Quebec and Vermont.

Republican leaders in the New York State legislature are urging Gov. Kathy Hochul to deploy the state's National Guard to stem the tide of illegals, though the likelihood of her actually doing this is next to nil.

The illegal invasion of America will not stop until the borders are fully sealed and immigration laws are enforced – and even then, there are likely to still be many unforeseen challenges due to the sheer volume of illegals all trying to enter at once. Find out more at InvasionUSA.news.

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