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Fact-checking, anti-disinformation campaigns are destroying free speech in “Global Boiling Era”
By Ethan Huff // Feb 07, 2024

Censorship has taken on new forms in the modern era. No longer are the tyrants in charge directly restricting free speech; instead, they are guiding the narratives more indirectly through "fact-checking" and other deceitful agendas.

Instead of directly punishing We the People for saying the "wrong" things, the powers that be are instead going behind our backs to the social media platforms many people use to communicate with one another, urging them to censor what gets posted and shared.

There are also the "anti-disinformation" campaigns being launched to fight things like "vaccine hesitancy" and "antisemitism," which are coupled with "hate speech" laws that aim to further restrict what people say and do both online and in public.

In Europe, these not-so-obvious censorship tactics have created a speech environment where many people are fearful to even express themselves in public. The same thing is happening in the United States, assuming the current trajectory remains intact.

The ball really got to rolling during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" when authoritarian power measures like mask and vaccine mandates and stay-at-home orders were widely imposed. People who questioned these impositions online were punished, and their views "corrected" by the authorities.

(Related: One silver lining is that the "fact check" censorship scam is finally being exposed and hopefully dismantled as the world wakes up to what is really going on.)

The first thing to go in any "crisis" is free speech

Analyst Theo L. Glück wrote a piece for Freedom Research that addresses all of these newfound, police state censorship tactics that are proliferating in what he describes as the "Global Boiling Era."

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"Free speech is the first victim of crises, especially of ongoing 'global crises,'" Glück writes. "In Western countries, restrictions on freedom of expression are deepening and authoritarian power tactics are being adopted.

"The labelling of mis- and disinformation is carried out by so-called fact-checkers, who primarily perpetuate the power narrative and do not assess objectively."

In Germany, the economic heart of Europe and the European Union (EU), authorities are taking a particularly hard line against free speech. Nearly half of all Germans realize that they must now be careful about what they say, otherwise they could be punished by their government.

Just 40 percent of Germany still thinks they can express their political opinions freely. Many of these people could end up finding out the hard way that free speech is no longer acceptable in Germany whenever it goes against what the government has dictated as "correct" thinking.

"Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, the proportion of people who feel they speak freely has steadily declined, reaching a historic low in just the last decade," Glück writes.

The first thing to go, usually, whenever a "crisis" emerges is free speech because the powers that be are threatened by any kind of thinking that in any way threatens their agenda. In the spirit of never letting a good crisis go to waste – though many would argue that most major "crises" are planned false flag events – authoritarian leaders take full advantage of every societal upheaval to stymie freedom, including the right to express oneself.

According to PANDA creator Nick Hudson, whenever a phenomenon or event is presented as a global crisis with only global solutions, i.e., "global warming" and "climate change," along with censorship of dissent, you can be sure it is definitely and exclusively a scam.

"The Western world has been going from one crisis to another in the last decade, so it is no wonder that the situation with freedom of expression is becoming increasingly cloudy," Glück notes.

Censorship is on the rise all around the world – will you take a stand against it? Find out more at Censorship.news.

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