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United Nations allocates $372 million for U.S.-bound immigrants in 2024
By Kevin Hughes // Jan 31, 2024

The United Nations (UN) is providing over $372 million for U.S.-bound immigrants this year.

To aid migrants on their way to the U.S.-Mexico border, the UN announced it is allocating nearly $1.6 billion to 17 Latin American nations in the 2024 update to its "Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan."

The UN and its partner agencies are planning to spread $372 million in "Cash and Voucher Assistance" and "Multipurpose Cash Assistance" to some 624,000 migrants in transit to the United States. This money is more often than not handed out as pre-paid, rechargeable debit cards. But the UN also regularly provides migrants with funding through hard cash given in envelopes and through electronic transfers by bank and mobile numbers. (Related: Intelligence community veterans warn of "imminent danger" facing the U.S. due to MIGRANT INVASION at the southern border.)

The UN Network on Migration claims that the cash giveaways to the 624,000 migrants "represent a significantly greater share of the financial requirements" for 2024, but it is still only one part of the much broader UN Americas-wide effort to spend nearly $1.6 billion in assisting about three million migrants in 17 countries all over the Americas.

Most of the Migration Network's support will be provided to "in-destination" recipients, or migrants already settled in other nations. But analysts have noted that a larger percentage of the Migration Network's aid funds will be given to in-transit migrants launching journeys from their home countries or their temporary abodes to the United States.

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Both in-transit and already-settled groups get access to UN cash and "humanitarian transportation," shelter, food, legal advice, personal hygiene products, health care and "protection" against threats such as protesters, militias, criminal syndicates and smugglers.

In addition, the Migration Network is also expected to provide $184 million to an additional 1.2 million migrants, $122 million in rent support and "temporary collective shelters" for 473,000 migrants and $25.8 million in "humanitarian transportation" to nearly 130,000 people crossing borders. The UN has also expanded its provision of "multi-purpose cash" for those seeking asylum on the basis of "gender-based violence."

UN blames American policies for rising migration to the U.S.

Along with the UN's multiple agencies that handle migration and refugees, some 57 other international organizations will be managing the handing out of $273 million in cash and relief assistance to migrants, while 132 "national NGOs" and "civil service organizations" will be handing out an additional $70 million in aid. Fifteen UN agencies alone would get the lion's share, handing out around $1.2 billion to migrants all over the Americas.

The NGOs were chosen for their strict adherence to the UN's migration and refugee plans for 2024. These plans were crafted at a time when the UN actually foresaw immigration to the U.S. declining in 2023 and 2024 rather than its actual state today.

Along with domestic factors, the UN places most of the blame for the increased migration to the U.S. to the policies of the current government that created "newly established opportunities for regular pathways to move to the United States of America," especially for those who could make their way to northern Mexico.

Follow Migrants.news for more news about the illegal immigration happening in America.

Watch the video below about investigative journalist Todd Bensman's report on the UN paying illegal immigrants using U.S. taxpayer money.

This video is from the Worldview Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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