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Prominent leaders and personalities all over the world are warning that World War III is coming
By Kevin Hughes // Jan 24, 2024

Notable leaders all over the world are beginning to publicly admit that World War III is coming.

In several cases, these officials are expressing hope that it can still be avoided, but that becomes less probable with each passing day.

Various circumstances and groups are increasing the likelihood of a wider war brewing in the Middle East, the conflict in Ukraine has entered a perilous new and more long-lasting phase, and the recent election in Taiwan has made Chinese aggression against the island nation increase and the possibility of an invasion much more possible.

The question now is what is going to happen if the world's major powers start fighting with each other in all of these theaters of conflict.

British Defense Minister Grant Shapps warned on Monday, Jan. 15, that the world is now in a "pre-war world" and that Western powers could soon find themselves fighting Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

"Now is the time for all allies and democratic nations across the world to… make sure their defense spending is growing too. Because as discussed, the era of the peace dividend is over. In five years time we could be looking at multiple theatres including Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. …we find ourselves at the dawn of this new era. [The] Berlin Wall a distant memory but we have come full circle, moving from a post-war to a pre-war world. An age of idealism has been replaced by a period of hard-headed realism," Shapps said.

United States officials are issuing similar warnings, with one stating that a source inside the Department of Defense has warned that "we are on the brink of World War III" amid surging conflict in the Middle East triggered mostly by Iran. (Related: Leaked Pentagon documents prove that World War III has been in the planning stages for years)

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War in the Middle East could escalate into World War III

The source inside the Pentagon that released the grim warning is defense expert Nicholas Drummond who echoed concerns that the war in the Middle East could possibly escalate. Drummond also warned if Tehran directly attacks Israel, the ensuing war would be "the end of Iran."

One of Russia's most famous news anchors, Vladimir Solovyov, has actually told his audience that the world is "moving toward World War III."

"We are moving towards World War III. In my opinion, it's already underway. By the way Trump thinks so too," Solovyov said.

Former President Donald Trump, who condemned the U.S. strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, had publicly warned a crowd in Iowa that "we're very close to World War III."

"World War III, we’re very close. I don't know if you feel it. I don’t know, madam attorney general, if you feel it, but we're very close to World War III when you see these discussions taking place," Trump said.

Meanwhile, leaked German intelligence documents indicate Berlin expects Russia to begin another wave of attacks to crush Ukraine, and is rushing to make up contingency plans in the event Russian troops march westward from Belarus.

The Israel-Hamas conflict threatens to expand violence across the Middle East, with Iran's supposed 'Axis of Resistance' which include Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Houthi rebels, raising their attacks on Israel and commercial shipping routes, inciting the United Kingdom and America to initiate a series of destructive strikes by air and sea.

Going to the East, Taiwan's recent election of a new democracy-loving president has angered China even more, with an impending Chinese invasion of the island nation looking much more possible.

The Middle East will probably be the initial flashpoint to completely erupt. The area has become so shaky over the past few months and the whole world was shocked when Iran decided to launch missiles and drones into Iraq, Syria and Pakistan.

Iran had even taken the extraordinary step of declaring its responsibility for the attacks and this has triggered anger from neighboring countries. The Iranians claimed that the strike in Iraq targeted "an Israeli spy hub" close to the U.S. consulate in Erbil, the Kurdistan regional capital city.

Follow WWWIII for more news about the impending Third World War.

Watch the video below about former President Donald Trump warning that America is very close to World War III.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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