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Rep. Kat Cammack: Biden administration is complicit in cartel trafficking of people, drugs
By Kevin Hughes // Jan 16, 2024

The Biden administration is complicit in the cartel trafficking of people and drugs in the southern border of America. This was the assessment given by Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida during a recent interview with investigative reporter Alex Newman.

"The cartels are 100 percent involved in the trafficking of individuals and drugs across the border into the United States. And the Biden administration is complicit in completing the trafficking circle on behalf of the cartels. It's big business every single month. The cartels are making over a billion dollars just in the human trafficking that they are engaged in," Cammack told Newman in the interview aired on "The Sentinel Report" show. (Related: Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the U.S. is now a $13B a year business.)

The award-winning journalist and educator asked Cammack about her opinion on what is happening in the border and why the Biden administration was allowing this. Cammack said the American people need to keep the border crisis at the forefront because every town in America today has been turned into a border town as a result of President Joe Biden's open border policies.

The congresswoman knows what she's talking about as she has been at the border nine times. She has also experienced working night shifts there with agents from the Texas Department of Public Safety and Border Patrol.

America is seeing an assortment of problems at the southern border

"You are seeing a humanitarian crisis, a public health crisis and a national security crisis. This is a crisis that has now resulted into a staggering statistic – there are more illegals coming through the southwest border now than there are children being born to American mothers," Cammack said.

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"There are more illegals now today that have come through the southwest border under Joe Biden's tenure than there have been American children born. That right there should send a red flag up in every American's mind because of the pressures that are being placed on communities where these people are coming to."

She added that Americans are seeing a total erosion of their constitutional rights with the entry of illegal immigrants, and this has a resulted in 151 different nationalities being seen every single day at the border.

The congresswoman warned that it is only a matter of time before America suffers another terrorist attack. She said thousands of suspected international terrorists on the international watchlist have been apprehended and many more likely got away.

"There will be some very, very troubling things happening in the future. And if we don't get a handle on this, we risk losing our national security and sovereignty," Cammack said.

Newman then asked Cammack what the Biden administration's possible pretext could be for allowing this migrant invasion to happen.

Cammack commented that the 117th Congress under former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi passed HR-1 For the People's Act, which lowered the voting age to 16, got rid of the voter ID and made non-citizens eligible to vote.

In other words, Cammack believes the Democrats want to guarantee future victory in future elections with the help of illegal immigrants.

"And it makes you wonder why are there so few Democrats that speak up and speak out against the atrocities that are taking place at the southwest border. They won't even bring themselves to go there. They won't bring themselves to acknowledge that the Biden administration has lost 85,000 children into trafficking," Cammack said.

"They won't acknowledge the horrible assaults. They won't acknowledge the fentanyl crisis that's taking place. Why? It makes you wonder if this is all about votes and continuing that agenda of dependency and control. And that all starts with elections."

Follow Migrants.news for more news about the influx of illegals at the southern border.

Watch the video below that talks about how the Biden administration is complicit in the cartel trafficking of people and drugs.

This video is from the PATRIOT.TV channel on Brighteon.com.

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