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New American’s Alex Newman says DeSantis’ call for constitutional convention is a recipe for DISASTER
By Belle Carter // Feb 27, 2024

The Florida Legislature has recently passed House Concurrent Resolution 693, calling for a Term Limits convention during the 2024 Legislative Session. The Sunshine State is one of just six states that have passed resolutions through both chambers of the state legislature to make such an application for a convention.

"We need term limits for members of Congress. Florida has already certified a proposed amendment under Article V of the Constitution and other states are poised to follow suit," said Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Feb. 20.

"At the invitation of the U.S. Term Limits organization, I traveled today to encourage other state legislators to follow Florida's lead and pass a resolution to call for a constitutional amendment for congressional term limits," he continued. "We will never turn our country around if we don't change the incentives in D.C. Term limits are supported by huge majorities of Americans. It's time to make it happen."

The governor's website notes that the Constitution provides state legislatures with the authority to propose amendments without the approval of Congress. To form a convention calling for term limits, two-thirds of the 50 states need to pass similar resolutions.

Currently, only Florida, Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Wisconsin have passed resolutions calling for a U.S. Term Limits Convention, though other states have similar resolutions working their way through their respective legislatures.

However, this move did not sit well with a lot of experts including the Senior Editor for the New American Alex Newman.

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"Calling a constitutional convention for any reason is a recipe for disaster, as leftists and globalists will seek to shred our Constitution. Term limits will not result in better politicians… we need an educated and moral electorate to enforce the Constitution and vote better," he pointed out on X, formerly Twitter. According to the journalist, term limits would not just force out corrupt politicians, instead good leadership would also be removed from Washington.

"If Pelosi was removed by term limits, do you suppose her district would send the next George Washington? Of course not, they'd send somebody just like Pelosi, maybe worse!" he added.

DeSantis already dropped out of the 2024 Republican presidential race and suspended his campaign in January, posting a video on X saying he could not ask his campaign staffers to give their time "without a clear path to victory."

"It's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance," he said. The governor visited South Carolina to talk about his call for term limits a couple of days before the state's primaries and this raised questions about his motivations for the trip. Asked during the press conference if he was positioning himself for the 2028 presidential campaign, he denied it.

"When I was running I said I would use the bully pulpit to help do this," he said. "Well, now that we're here where we are, I've told folks that are supportive of the term limits movement 'Put me in, if there's a way I can be helpful, if it's me going and speaking to different folks throughout the country that are in state legislative chambers I'm happy to do it.'" (Related: DeSantis DROPS OUT of presidential race, leaving Trump as clear Republican nominee.)

DeSantis wants other constitutional reforms

A week after suspending his campaign, DeSantis announced an effort to bring other constitutional reforms to the U.S. Congress, apart from the term limits for members of Congress. In Naples, he called for a requirement for a balanced budget at the federal level, a line-item veto for the president, and an amendment that Congress shall make no law that affects only U.S. citizens but does not apply to members of Congress.

"It's going to require us working in our states using the tools that the Founding Fathers gave us to be able to take power away from D.C. and return it to the American people to make sure that the incentives are to produce good government rather than self-serving government," the governor said. "We're in a great spot because people look to us for leadership on a lot of these issues. So now they're going to see this, this is now back on the front burner. And as states are meeting in their legislative chambers, this is very easy for them to certify going forward."

Florida House Speaker Paul Renner agreed with DeSantis, saying that amendments such as the line-item vote were important.

"And I can say out loud as a legislature, legislator when we talk about the line-item veto for a governor, look, we're busy in that 60 days trying to do the best things we can for the public safety and education. Do turkeys slip through the budget process or bad spinning measures? Do they slip through? They slip through," Renner said.

Visit DeSantisObserver.com for more stories about the Florida governor.

Watch the video below where DeSantis endorses former President Donald Trump's 2024 campaign.

This video is from the NewsClips channel on Brighteon.com.

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