Though sent to joint chiefs of staff, the letter is actually addressed to the American people directly. Miller wrote in a tweet that the only reason the letter was sent to military leaders is "merely to inform" them about the plan.
"Let's take our country back in 2024 & let's begin by defending our military from its own leadership," Miller further wrote – see the letter below:
At 4am EST today (a few min ago), senior military leaders received an email with a letter attached called the Declaration of Military Accountability. I know because I sent the email. I sent it on behalf of myself & 230 other signatories of the letter. The letter is not addressed…
— Brad Miller (@BradMiller1010) January 1, 2024
(Related: Did you know that plaintiffs are suing the CIA over hidden records about bribes paid to conceal the true origins of COVID?)
Entitled the "Declaration of Military Accountability," the letter specifically addresses the U.S. military's imposition of "experimental vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic," these being the mRNA (modRNA) and viral vector shots brought to bear under Operation Warp Speed.
What happened during COVID specifically to the U.S. military resulted in thousands of soldiers getting sick or dying as they were forced to take the experimental injections against their better judgment.
The purpose of the Declaration of Military Accountability is to put senior military leadership on notice that the 231 signatories, anyway, will no longer stand idly by while their government destroys the nation from within.
"While I won't go so far as to call this action unprecedented, I cannot recall during my service and retirement where this many active personnel have signed their name to a document calling for the accountability of the military's unformed leadership," wrote Soldier Systems editor Eric Graves in a post about the letter.
"This number is even more striking to me as the recent call for signatures was not well publicized. The authors do plan to open the letter to additional supporting signatures soon."
As you will see in the above-attached letter, it lays out a general plan of accountability for the U.S. military. It also contains a specific call to action for anyone who shares the views presented therein.
"It does not incite violence or calls for signatories and sympathizers to violate their oaths of office," Graves specified, noting that the letter was sent on a holiday.
"Considering it is New Years [sic] Day and not a duty day, there has been no reaction so far from the Department of Defense or those called out by name in the letter. I do expect this to make the national news this week."
The letter opens with a quote from John Adams, America's first vice president, who stated that:
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Have a look through the letter and share it with others if its contents resonate with you.
"While I understand and support their sentiment, bureaucratic stonewalling will win this in the long run," wrote one skeptical commenter about the letter.
"DoD (Department of Defense) will ultimately stall this out by using its power as a largely unaccountable cog in the machine to avoid anything resembling ownership, accountability, or remorse for this fiasco."
More related news can be found at
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1 year ago
It will work if you get off your butt and do something about it folks. Take back America!
1 year ago
Strange that no one mentions "Informed Consent". At the Nurnberg trials in 1947 a Code was issued as follows:
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient ...
99% of all persons in the Western world are unaware of this Codex and that it was adopted
by a large number of countries to insure that every individual person decide for themselves what will enter their body.