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‘You are the carbon they want reduced’: UK study says human breath contributes to greenhouse gases
By News Editors // Dec 15, 2023

Dr. Nicholas Cowan’s study indicates that UK citizens’ breathing accounts for 0.1% of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, challenging assumptions about human impact on the environment.

(Article republished from YourNews.com)

A recent study from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh has presented findings that the act of breathing by UK citizens contributes approximately 0.1% to the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions. Dr. Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist, conducted the study, which focuses on the emission of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) by humans.

Journal.pone.0295157 by yourNEWS Media

Dr. Cowan’s research highlights that these emissions, albeit small, have a role in global warming. He emphasizes that the impact of human emissions should not be overlooked, stating, “We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.”

The study’s coverage in mainstream media has sparked debate, with some viewing it as part of a broader narrative that urges people to alter their lifestyles to combat environmental issues. This narrative often includes reducing the use of gas-powered technologies, meat consumption, and limiting freedom of travel, among other lifestyle changes.

Critics of this perspective argue that the focus should be more on major corporations and countries with significant emissions, such as China and India. They point out that while the UK’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is less than 1%, the emphasis on individual actions can seem disproportionate.

The study has elicited a range of responses online, with some internet users humorously suggesting that those advocating for drastic lifestyle changes to address environmental concerns should lead by example in reducing their own breathing.

Read more at: YourNews.com

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