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You will soon be a PRISONER in your own car: Mandatory vehicle “kill switch” will disable driving based on bad performance
By Ethan Huff // Nov 12, 2023

An amendment proposed by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) to stop the federal government from basically taking over private vehicle ownership in 2026 and beyond has failed, meaning Americans will soon become prisoners in their own cars.

Massie, disappointed in his amendment, known as Part B Amendment No. 60, to H.R. 4820, the "Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024," tweeted the following after it was shot down, including by 19 House Republicans who voted against it.

"The federal government has mandated that all vehicles sold after 2026 must have a kill switch that can disable your vehicle based on your driving performance," Massie "tweeted" on X (formerly Twitter). "My amendment to defund that unconstitutional mandate failed tonight."

(Related: America is waiting to see how Rep. Rand Paul [R-Ky.] and Rep. Massie will hold Tony Fauci accountable for his crimes against humanity during COVID.)

USA Today lied to America about there being "no vehicle 'kill switch' in Biden's 2021 infrastructure bill"

It should be noted that prior to Massie's amendment, the media was busy denying that there was even a kill switch provision in the Biden infrastructure bill at all.

USA Today, for instance, reported back in January that: "No, there's no vehicle 'kill switch' in Biden's 2021 infrastructure bill." The article continues to repeat this lie again and again, only to end the piece with an admission that:

"Whether or not the technology will become a part of the infrastructure bill's final rule remains to be seen ..."

It turns out that the infrastructure bill does contain provisions for a kill switch, prompting Massie to send USA Today a copy of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with the following entry in the "Definitions" section circled:

"The term 'advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology means a system that ... can ... passively monitor the performance of the driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired; and ... prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if an impairment is detected ..."

In other words, new cars in 2026 and beyond will contain not just a breathalyzer ignition interlock but also an embedded kill switch that allows a third party, including the government, to turn off a person's car, leaving him or her stranded until someone reengages the vehicle.

"If you’re crawling through traffic in 2025 and approach a traffic light, IBM hopes it will be able to take control of your car," reads a 2010 report explaining that this type of remote disablement technology for cars has been in the works for some time now.

"And according to the patent, you won’t be able to go again until it lets you ... With a laptop and customised software called CarShark, the researchers disabled the brakes of a regular family car and switched its engine off – while it was moving."

Several years prior in 2008, it was mandated that all new American cars be outfit with CAN (Controller Area Network), a standard protocol for enabling all the car's electronics to "talk to each other."

There is even now talk of creating "smart guns" that can be used to disable someone's firearm in the much the same way – for the "safety" of the children, of course.

Such technology is described by writer Vin Suprynowicz as an "electronic master key" that has the capacity to "disable" any "smart guns" inside a person's home. This, it is speculated, will be used to outlaw all firearms that do not have disablement technology, a direct assault on the Second Amendment.

The latest news about government encroachment into our personal lives, including the way we drive our cars, can be found at Tyranny.news.

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