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COVID-19 vaccines found to diminish beneficial bacteria in the human microbiome
By Lance D Johnson // Nov 06, 2023

One of the ways in which COVID-19 vaccines destroy human immune function is through the gut microbiota. Not only do the vaccines fail to confer sufficient neutralizing antibodies, but they also target various species of beneficial bacteria that are needed for long term human immune function. The substantial loss of biodiversity in the human gut increases the opportunity for various pathogens to thrive in the intestines, thereby making the vaccinated individual more prone to various infections, whether it be coronavirus variants, influenza strains, or other infections.

CoronaVac and Pfizer mRNA significantly damage the host microbiome

In the study, Interaction between gut microbiota and COVID-19 and its vaccines, researchers found that the Pfizer mRNA jab and the Sinovac vaccine from China both significantly alter the human microbiome in ways that make the vaccinated individual more susceptible to infection.

The human microbiome measures approximately 400 square meters and includes over 2,000 species of protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses. This community of microorganisms benefit the host and live along the lining of the gut and in the intestines. These commensal microorganisms occupy intracellular and sub-epithelial spaces and live throughout tissues, lymphatics, and may even travel in the blood stream. These commensal species communicate with the endogenous immune system, and help immune responsive cells respond to pathogenic threats. They also aid in digestion, synthesize carbohydrates and amino acids and help the cells absorb the nutrients from food.

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In the study, both the CoronaVac and the Pfizer jab diminished various commensal bacterial species, including the following: Adlercreutzia equolifaciens, Asaccharobacter celatus, Blautia obeum, Blautia wexlerae, Dorea formicigenerans, Dorea longicatena Coprococcus comes, Streptococcus vestibularis, Collinsella aerofaciens and Ruminococcus obeum.

After these commensal bacterium are wiped out, the microbiome produces less short chain fatty acids and less bacteriocin. Bacteriocin is a peptide toxin that works like an antibiotic, inhibiting the growth of similar strains of bacteria that are pathogenic in nature. Without the production of bacteriocin, the damaged gut microbiome provides more opportunities for pathogens to thrive and make the host body sick. To make matters worse, the depletion of short chain fatty acids (acetic, propionic and butyric) ultimately cut off the main energy source for colonocytes, weakening overall gastrointestinal health. When commensal bacteria populations are damaged, the first telltale sign in the host is diarrhea. Then, the host becomes more susceptible to influenza, coronavirus infections, enteroviruses, among countless other circulating pathogens.

Covid jabs destroy bifidobacteria levels many months after injection, putting the vaccinated at increased risk of severe covid-19

Another important study found that mRNA vaccines cause persistent damage to the gut microbiome 6 to 9 months after injection. While the study only included four participants, it did find shocking results in all four vaccinated individuals. After vaccination, the population of beneficial bacteria bifidobacterial declined to 38 percent, 49 percent and 90 percent of pre-vaccine levels. One patient saw an initial increase in bifidobacterial but that increase was wiped out six to nine months later, to just 35% of its pre-vaccine level. In that same time frame, the other three patients saw a further decline of bifidobacterial populations with just 15%, 35% and 60% of the populations remaining. It’s important to note that the genus bifidobacteria protects against inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, neurological disorders, C. difficile infection and severe COVID-19. With this significant decline in bifidobacteria, vaccinated individuals are at greater risk to multiple health problems down the road.

Further observational research found that lower levels of Bifidobacterium adolescentis are associated with lower neutralizing antibodies after CoronaVac vaccination. Likewise, the restoration of Roseburia faecis bacteria in the human gut helps the body produce more neutralizing antibodies after the Pfizer mRNA vaccination damages these levels. Also, the anti-inflammatory effects of Prevotella copri and two Megamonas commensal species helped protect patients from the side effects of both covid-19 vaccines.

These research studies show that the human microbiome was designed to provide important protective immune functions. Those innate functions are damaged by the COVID-19 vaccines, making individuals more susceptible to sickness in the long run.

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