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Florida Sen. Marco Rubio appears to call for OPEN GENOCIDE against all Palestinian women, men and children – “they have to be eradicated”
By Ethan Huff // Oct 12, 2023

Propagandist and political war hawk Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has a plan for dealing with Hamas following the weekend "surprise" attack on Israel: murder all 2.1 million people living in the Gaza Strip.

When asked by CNN's Jake Tapper if there is any way to stop Hamas "without causing massive casualties against the innocent people" in Gaza, Rubio told him no and proceeded to suggest mass genocide as the solution.

"I don't think there's any way Israel can be expected to coexist or find some diplomatic off-ramp with these savages," Rubio replied, using the same dehumanizing language against the Palestinians as did Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, who hatefully referred to the Palestinians this week as "human animals."

"These are people, as you've been reporting and others have seen, that deliberately targeted teenage girls, women, and children, and the elderly ... Just horrifying things," Rubio proceeded to blab, relying on questionable media reports and claims to justify his genocidal position.

"And I don't think we know the full extent of it yet. I mean, there's more to come in the days and weeks ahead. You can't coexist. They have to be eradicated."

(Related: Rubio also claims that the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] "escaped" from China due to "a serious biosafety incident.")

Palestinians are people, too

Like many who "support Israel" often do, Rubio made no clear distinction between Hamas and the millions of non-Hamas Palestinians who far outnumber Hamas and just so happen to live among them.

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By doing this, the pro-Israel crowd likewise opens up the door to mass genocide, failing to realize that there are actual human beings just like them who live in the Gaza Strip after they were forcefully stuffed inside the "open-air concentration camp," as many refer to it, by invading forces back in the early-to-mid-1900s.

For thousands of years before that, the Palestinian people lived in what is now considered Israel after the original Israel that lived there during Old Testament times was driven out of the land by God Himself for their disobedience.

Now that Israel has returned with a vengeance, it wants what it considers as "its land" back from Palestinians who are now mostly confined to just that tiny sliver of land known as the Gaza Strip, which former president Hosni Murabak of Egypt says has been in the crosshairs of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for many years for annexation.

What makes all this even more concerning is the fact that former Israeli soldiers, former Rep. Ron Paul, and others have come out in the past to state that Hamas was created by Israel itself – with the help of the U.S., of course – back in the 1970s to intentionally destabilize Palestinian territories as a pretext for later dubbing them all as "terrorists" in order to commit mass genocide against them.

"This is going to be incredibly painful," Rubio did admit about his genocidal plan for the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. "It's going to be completely difficult. And it's going to be horrifying, the price to pay."

Netanyahu made similar statements as Rubio earlier in the week when he and other far-right leaders promised to completely "change the Middle East" because of the Hamas attack.

"Just watch: we will all now be told that we have to keep donating to Israel, along with Ukraine, when we would rather just keep the money to feed our families," one of our own commenters wrote about all the begging-for-money component of these developments in the Middle East.

"I don't even believe this Israel really is God's chosen people. And even if they are, God can supply all the manna these people need."

The far-right-wing neoconservatives and other "supporters of Israel" seem to have no problem with the mass genocide of Palestinians that Netanyahu is proposing. You can keep up with the latest news at Prophecy.news.

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