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Federal “Vaccine Court”: Gardasil jab for HPV irrefutably linked to NARCOLEPSY
By Ethan Huff // Oct 09, 2023

In a major victory for public health, the federal "Vaccine Court" has ruled that a teenager who got vaccinated for human papillomavirus with Merck & Co.'s Gardasil vaccine and consequently developed narcolepsy is entitled to compensation under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

Back in August 2015 when he was just 14 years old, Trey Cobb, a young man – remember: Gardasil was first pushed on young girls for cervical cancer, only to later be pushed on boys who do not even have a cervix – was given a third injection of Gardasil, which caused him to develop autoimmune symptoms including severe fatigue and difficulty carrying on normal activities.

Now 22, Cobb still suffers from a variety of jab-related symptoms that more than likely will never subside. In "Vaccine Court," it was shown that Cobb developed autoimmune narcolepsy through a process called "molecular mimicry" and "cross-reactivity."

"Infectious virus-like particles from the Gardasil vaccine mimicked the body's natural amino acid sequences and confused the immune system into attacking the body's own cell receptor sites, affecting wakefulness and sleep," explains The Defender.

(Related: Left-wing politicians in New York are trying to make it legal for underage children to get jabbed for HPV without their parents' knowledge or consent.)

If you've been injured by Gardasil vaccines, seek restitution through the VICP

Since vaccine manufacturers have no liability under federal law – Big Pharma's vaccine sector is the only industry exempt from normal product liability, by the way – Cobb petitioned for restitution from the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and won.

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The VICP, just to be clear, was set up as a "no-fault" alternative to the traditional legal system, again because vaccine manufacturers are exempt from normal product liability. Each VICP case is adjudicated by a court-appointed "special master" rather than a judge – it is a "kangaroo" court, in other words.

In most cases, the VICP rejects petitions for restitution, but in Cobb's case it complied. As a result, everyone else out there who has been injured by Gardasil can now petition the court just the same based on this precedent.

In Cobb's case, Special Master Katherine E. Oler ruled on Aug. 21 that Cobb successfully demonstrated that his condition was caused by the Gardasil vaccine, ruling that he is entitled to compensation. That decision was only just this week made public.

"While I applaud the decision, this young man's condition is tragic. His life has been forever scarred by a vaccine he didn't need," commented Mary Holland, president of Children's Health Defense and author of "The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for A Generation Betrayed."

"Deplorable also is the time it took to reach this compensation decision – eight years after the initial injury, and he still has no compensation, only a ruling to compensate, which may yet be overruled."

Cobb's life today, despite his cash reward, still looks a whole lot different – and a whole lot more horrific – than it did prior to his third Gardasil injection. His life is now structured around his sleep and drug medications, though he says he limits his medication intake because he really does not like the side effects.

Cobb's daily drug cocktail includes Xyrem, Ritalin and "a decent amount of caffeine."

"The medical theory his attorney advanced is that narcolepsy is caused by a substantial decrease in neurons that produce orexin, a neuropeptide that regulates appetite and wakefulness," Holland further explained about how Cobb's attorney was able to successfully win his client's case.

"Type 1 narcolepsy is considered to be an autoimmune condition related to orexin."

All vaccines come with serious risks of injury or death. Learn more at Vaccines.news.

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