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Young individuals vaccinated against COVID-19 are getting increasingly diagnosed with CANCER
By Zoey Sky // Oct 03, 2023

Several young individuals, including students, had been diagnosed with different types of cancer after receiving mandated Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Some of the patients are currently ill, while others have died.

Spencer Ewen, 24 years old

According to a GoFundMe page for Spencer Ewen, 24, he married his wife Tina on July 22.

While on their honeymoon, they were forced to rush home and go to the ER because of stomach pains. The pains were thought to be indigestion or a side effect of drinking a bit too much at the wedding festivities.

Less than a week later, the couple received a possible lymphoma diagnosis. But Tina and Spencer thought Spencer's symptoms weren't of lymphoma since only a short time had passed since they went to the hospital.

Eventually, the couple met with an oncologist at Grand River Hospital, who told them that Spencer had a very rare type of cancer called desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT).

Because this type of cancer is rare, there are not many doctors that know about the sarcoma and the prognosis is hard to determine. To date, there is no cure for the condition. (Related: TURBO CANCER: Children are DYING within hours or days of leukemia diagnosis, often after receiving vaccine jabs.)

Hailey Pressnell, 22 years old

Hailey Pressnell, 22, was diagnosed with stage 3B melanoma.

In August, Pressnell received a diagnosis of malignant melanoma (skin cancer). The condition required immediate surgery, resulting in two wide excision surgeries on her back and a sentinel lymph node biopsy, wherein two of her lymph nodes were removed.

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The results were not what Pressnell had hoped for and one of the lymph nodes tested positive for melanoma, indicating that the cancer had already begun to spread.

Instead of starting her journey into adulthood, Pressnell is now dealing with the challenges of stage 3B skin cancer.

Alesia Lockhard, 21 years old

Alesia Lockhard, 21, is in the National Guard Reserve and was diagnosed with stage 3 rhabdomyosarcoma (rare and aggressive).

In May 2023, after weeks of suffering from chronic migraines, severe nausea and whole body pain, Lockhard was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. It is a rare type of cancer that forms in soft tissue or hollow organs. While rhabdomyosarcoma can occur at any age, it mostly affects children.

Lockhard soon started intense chemotherapy at the Ochsner Pediatric Cancer Center of New Orleans, Louisiana. After several weeks of treatment, she still has not gotten the results that the oncologists have hoped for.

Lockhard was then referred to a different facility for care, with the majority of this care taking place at an out-of-network cancer treatment hospital.

Lauren Beck, 23 years old

Lauren Beck, 23, graduated in the Spring semester of 2023 from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). She now needs an urgent bone marrow transplant.

On Aug. 27, Lauren was experiencing some symptoms and went to an emergency room in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where her family resides.

By Monday, Aug. 28, she was transferred to UAB Hospital. After undergoing a bone marrow biopsy, Beck was diagnosed with AML. She has started 24/7 chemotherapy treatment to see how aggressive the blood cancer is.

Tyler Fenlon, 19 years old

Tyler Fenlon, 19, was diagnosed with a very rare stage 4 primary bone diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

Fenlon graduated from high school in 2022. In September, he moved to Connecticut to continue his education. He started having night sweats and feeling fatigued and overheated after walking short distances.

On Feb. 10, Fenlon was taken to the emergency room with abdominal pain, shortness of breath and fever. The following day he called his mother and told her he needed her to come to Connecticut as soon as possible. Doctors have found a lung mass, lytic lesions on his left hip, pelvis and sacrum and a nodule on his left frontal lobe.

A doctor said he would get an MRI, CAT scan and bone marrow biopsies. Fenlon suffered terrible night sweats and intermittent fever that would spike to 102.

After a week of daily blood work, MRI and CAT scans, biopsies, and waiting, he was transferred to Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven. The results of the bone marrow, bone biopsy and PET scan revealed that he had stage 4 primary bone DLBCL with spleen and bone marrow involvement (diffuse bone metastasis, lytic lesions, an extension of hypermetabolic soft tissue into spinal canal C7-C3).

Dylan Lamb, 20 years old

Dylan Lamb, 20, a university student from the U.K., has died. Lamb was told he was in remission from leukemia on July 5, 2022. He had a stem cell transplant on Sep. 22, 2022, but his leukemia returned and he was told he only had weeks to live.

Lamb, who was from Burton-upon-Trent, was in his first year at the University of Liverpool when he was diagnosed with the condition that commonly affects young men.

Lamb was diagnosed with precursor T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia earlier this year after visiting his doctor because of lower back pain. After suffering from unbearable pain for some time, Lamb was initially given painkillers by his GP before going to A&E with his mother.

A GoFundMe page was set up to help raise funds for Lamb so he could travel to America for life-saving treatment. He died on Aug. 26.

Pauric Brady, 18 years old

Pauric Brady, 18, was an Irish football star who died suddenly on July 19 "after a short battle with cancer." He was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in December 2022, with a diagnosis of death in six months. Brady turned 18 last November.

After further tests, Brady and his devastated family were told that the cancer had spread and was terminal. Brady was a kind young man and a fundraising campaign was launched in February to assist him in his battle against cancer. Thanks to friends, family and well-wishers from around Wicklow and beyond, the campaign was able to raise almost $31,759.47 (30,000 Euros) for his treatment within days.

Pauric was said to be "overwhelmed" with the level of support that the campaign received and thanked everyone for their generosity.

Keep in mind that this is only a portion of the many recorded cases of illnesses and deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccines. So how come mainstream media and Big Pharma still insist that COVID vaccines are safe?

Learn more about the adverse effects of COVID-19 vaccines at VaccineDamage.news.

Watch the video below to learn about the cancer-causing potential of COVID-19 vaccines.

This video is from the Greekinsider channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

DIRTY SHOTS: DNA contamination and cancer-causing agent SV40 found in mRNA vaccines.

CLAIM: Pfizer’s covid injections reportedly contain DNA contamination, cancer-causing SV40.

Top 7 types of CANCER cases are SKYROCKETING since humans began getting injected with Covid spike protein jabs.

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