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Wuhan Institute of Virology warns that another COVID-19 outbreak is “HIGHLY LIKELY”
By Zoey Sky // Oct 03, 2023

As many as 20 species of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are "highly likely" to trigger another outbreak among humans. This was according to a study conducted by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and published in the journal Emerging Microbes & Infections.

The alarming study started making headlines in Chinese-language media, while social media users discovered it and started sharing its terrifying conclusions online.

Researchers identify 20 "high risk" COVID-19 species

Scientists from the WIV documented their study of 40 coronavirus species. They identified 20 species as "high risk," along with six species that have jumped to humans.

Three of the coronavirus species had evidence of spillover but not to humans, and 11 species without evidence of spillover yet.

The researchers reported that they are "almost certain that there will be future disease emergence and it is highly likely a CoV [coronavirus] disease again." They warned that the early preparation for the animal coronaviruses with risk of spillover is crucial for future disease preparedness, citing "the likely animal origin of SARS, MERS and COVID-19."

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a disease that originated in China, caused a deadly outbreak in 2002. On the other hand, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a coronavirus disease that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012.

Shi Zhengli, one of the study authors, is a coronavirus expert known in Chinese media as "Batwoman" for her academic focus on studying bat coronaviruses. Shi, the director of infectious disease research at the WIV, first became a figure of international focus after the emergence of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, where her research facility is located, in late 2019. (Related: Biden administration FINALLY ends HHS funding for Wuhan Institute of Virology.)

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Shi disappeared from the public eye in early 2020 but she reemerged to defend the Chinese government and the WIV from "filth" suggesting that a laboratory accident resulted in the release of the novel coronavirus and ongoing pandemic. She was nominated in September for a position in the prestigious Chinese Academy of Scientists (CAS), the world’s largest research organization.

The sudden surge of interest in the article is because of the Communist Party of China's abrupt disinterest in the pandemic, which began after it suddenly ended most civil rights abuses against civilians to reportedly contain COVID-19, such as starving city populations with massive lockdowns and imprisoning suspected coronavirus patients in filthy quarantine camps.

Zero-COVID, the policy behind these draconian measures, triggered nationwide protests on a regular basis. The protests then caused a nationwide display of resistance against the regime in late November 2022.

Chinese government downplaying COVID-19 infections

An anonymous Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) scientist has revealed that despite the warning from the WIV, the Chinese government is downplaying ongoing COVID-19 infections.

The updates fuel another significant outbreak of coronavirus infections.

The anonymous CCDC scientist added that, sometimes, in private conversations with other public health scholars, he noticed that intentionally or unintentionally, Chinese authorities are downplaying COVID-19. Some cities have even stopped releasing infection data.

The CCDC researcher described the study as crucial because it works as a "textbook" of dozens of coronavirus species that can now be easily referenced in further research.

Visit Pandemic.news for more updates about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the video below for an update on the whistleblower who says the CIA paid off researchers to refute the Wuhan lab leak.

This video is from the Puretrauma357 channel on Brighteon.com.

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