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Right Now with Ann Vandersteel: Brannon Howse says America isn’t preparing the people for WAR – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Sep 29, 2023

Brannon Howse of "Worldview Report" lamented how America hasn't prepared its people for the coming war during his Sept. 19 appearance on the Brighteon.TV program"Right Now with Ann Vandersteel."

Howse cited the remarks of veteran correspondent Michael Yon, who said a multi-prong approach is happening when it comes toAmerica's collapse. Much of this is being done by America's enemies – China, Russia, Iran and North Korea – by weakening, distracting and creating chaos. In turn, this will make it much harder for the U.S. to respond to attacks by enemies both foreign and domestic.

"These are the preparatory measures for war. This is the overture period; this is the introductory period," he said. "This is the 'great terror' period, whatever you want to call it."

Howse, the president of WVW Broadcast Network, referenced books written by former KGB officers who defected to America. Based on these books, the "great terror" will begin with attacks on critical infrastructure. He added that public service announcements about what to do in the event of a nuclear attack are part of a predictive programming scheme involving millions of Americans. (Related: Brannon Howse shares tips on how Americans can SURVIVE a nuclear attack.)

"When you start to connect the dots, you realize something is in the wind. China is preparing their people for war, Russia is preparing their people for war, but America is not preparing their people for war."

Vandersteel agreed, saying that the U.S. government is indeed preparing for something. While it is setting up everything necessary for this anticipated threat, it isn't doing its best to inform the public about it.

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"They are not telling the people. They are doing just enough to say they did it, without really covering the American people. That's where we are right now to tell Americans: 'Be ready, something very bad is coming,'" she said.

Howse also cited a 2018 report by the Department of Homeland Security urging Americans to be prepared. The report called on the general public to prepare for a loss of water, power, healthcare and communications for up to six months.

Enemies inside and out are destabilizing America

The "Right Now" host also discussed how enemies from inside and outside America are destabilizing the nation.

Vandersteel touched on the internal enemies in the form of the Biden administration. She noted how the federal government has disarmed and disabled Americans and other people worldwide as part of the globalist World Economic Forum's depopulation agenda.

The Central Intelligence Agency also linked to the Deep State has also committed several color revolutions around the world. Now, it has utilized the same techniques at home in the form of domestic terrorists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

"They are bringing that same philosophy and technique right here to the U.S., which is why we've seen cities get burned down in the last five or six years," she told Howse. "Why are they doing that? They are looking to destabilize our population."

Millions of illegal immigrants have also been brought to America from the outside to destabilize not only the American population, but also the whole country. She noted that this is similar to what is happening in Europe, specifically with the recent massive migration of Africans in southern Italy.

Vandersteel ultimately warned that this incoming invasion at America's southern border, alongside the destabilization of the American republic, will lead to a complete takeover. Once this takeover is done, the American people will be left powerless.

Follow Collapse.news for more news about the destabilization going on in America.

Watch the Sept. 19 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" below. Tune in to "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" every weekday at 8-9 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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