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LGBT CRIMES: America’s largest teachers’ union tells educators to DESTROY ALL EVIDENCE of student gender identity surveys
By Ethan Huff // Sep 06, 2023

A surge of lawsuits filed against public school districts that corrupt children with LGBT indoctrination and perversion has prompted the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA), a Colorado affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest teachers' union, to urge schools in its district to destroy any and all evidence of LGBT grooming in the classroom.

While the JeffCo Public Schools district says it remains "unclear" whether or not surveys about "preferred pronouns" were administered to students in violation of state law, both the district and the teachers' union are telling schools to destroy anything that might suggest a breach of the law.

Both federal and state law forbid mandatory surveys such as the ones the JCEA is telling public schools in Jefferson County, Colorado's fourth-most populous county covering part of Denver, to destroy. And all voluntary surveys must include a parent opt-out in order to be compliant with the law.

As we know, many rogue LGBT-obsessed "educators" have turned their classrooms into transgender factories. And many of them are flagrantly violating the law in their desperate attempts to sexualize the students under their care.

(Related: In the United Kingdom, teachers can be suspended for merely questioning the LGBT indoctrination of children in the classroom.)

JCEA tells teachers to use pencil and paper for LGBT surveys so they can be erased or destroyed easily

If teachers within the JeffCo Public Schools district wish to groom and probe their students with LGBT perversion, then the JCEA wants them to be sure they always use pencil and paper because "any digital records are more permanent and may be requested under federal law."

In other words, the JCEA is giving JeffCo Public Schools tips and tricks for concealing their unlawful behavior, making it complicit in criminal activity that deserves immediate attention from law enforcement.

In an email to the district about the matter, the JCEA further "encouraged" teachers at JeffCo Public Schools to "make [...] notations about students and not hold on to the documents" – because, again, if records or proof of illegal behavior go public, then it could lead to prosecution against the JCEA and JeffCo Public Schools for sexual crimes against children.

Since the JCEA issued this guidance, JeffCo parents claim that "dozens" of district teachers have administered gender identity surveys in violation of the law. Many parents are livid about this, stating that the teachers' union is basically telling teachers to "break the law and hide the evidence."

"The leadership actually provided an avenue to get around the law and basically saying it was okay," said school board member Susan Miller, adding that if teachers are caught engaging in this type of illegal behavior, they could lose their licensure.

"I don't feel I can trust the teachers," added Denice Crawford, a parent with students in the district.

Crawford reported the gender identity survey her son received to his school's principal, but never received any response. Mind you, Crawford has a transgender nephew and a lesbian daughter, so she is not anti-LGBT.

"This is not political," she commented. "It's just that they're breaking the law."

When asked what she believes should happen to the school district and the JCEA, Crawford responded with, "the same thing that would happen to anybody breaking the law: accountability and correction."

"I want parents to know the district takes this very seriously," added Miller.

Numerous commenters on a story about the fiasco suggested breaking up the teachers' unions and perhaps even shutting down public school districts entirely and allowing parents to send their property tax dollars to the private schools of their choice.

Only an evil grooming pedophile would probe underage children about made-up sexual perversions like "gender identity." Learn more at Evil.news.

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