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Prather Point: Deep State intel community now running new FALSE FLAG ops – Brighteon.TV
By Kevin Hughes // Jun 01, 2023

Former intelligence officer Jeffrey Prather has warned that the Deep State intelligence community (DSIC) is again conducting false flag operations. He issued the warning during the May 26 episode of his Brighteon.TV program "Prather Point."


Prather himself disclosed that he has been a victim of the DSIC, which is made up of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is part of the global cabal trying to run the world by means of the Pilgrim Society, Bilderberg Group and the United Nations. (Related: FBI admits collusion with CIA and NSA to spy on Americans.)

According to Prather, Americans are now seeing the victimization and fake racial hatred and division script being played out by the Deep State together with the Left and the Republicans in name only.

Prather also touched on the supposed "Nazi supporter" who rammed the White House security barriers. According to a May 23 report by POLITICO, 19-year-old Sai Varshith Kandula was arrested for "intentionally" crashing a U-Haul truck into a barrier on the evening of May 19. Officers from the Secret Service and the U.S. Park Police took him into custody.

Kandula was charged of attempting to kidnap and/or kill President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. An affidavit from the Secret Service said the perpetrator's goal was to "get to the White House, seize power and be put in charge of the nation." Kandula, a resident of Missouri, expressed willingness to "hurt anyone that would stand in [his] way."

Among the evidence obtained following Kandula's attempted breach was a Nazi flag. The suspect reportedly pulled the flag out of a backpack after crashing the rental truck. But according to Prather, the laying out of the Nazi flag was an "absurd collection" of evidence at a crime scene that shared similarities with the August 2022 raid at former President Donald Trump's home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.

Defectors prompting Deep State to stage false flags

Aside from the May 19 incident, Prather also mentioned the arrest of supposed members of the Patriot Front group in Idaho back in 2022. He then played footage of the arrest, something he described as clearly a Deep State false flag operation run by the FBI.

"If you look at the other videos of the Idaho situation, you can see a guy in the back in plainclothes. He is the case officer in CIA terms … running the whole operation, the whole false flag," Prather said. "This is the fake history that I am trying to counter with real and true history."

The "Prather Point" host also remarked that a photograph of the arrest showed an unmasked member of the group. This unmasked member appeared to be holding a megaphone with an FBI sticker. This, he added, serves as evidence that the federal law enforcement agency itself was running the false-flag group.

According to Prather, the incident involving Kandula and the 2022 arrest of the Patriot Front group are desperate false-flag moves from the Deep State as many FBI whistleblowers are now coming forward. He cited former FBI agents like Garret O'Boyle, Steve Friend and Marcus Allen defecting and becoming whistleblowers as clear examples of this. The defection of these three former federal agents is a very important and huge inflection point, the "Prather Point" host added.

He also mentioned lawyer Tristan Leavitt, a former member of the Merit Service Protection Board (MSPB). Leavitt's term at the MSPB expired on February 2023, and he was hired a month later as the president of Empower Oversight. His role in Empower Oversight involved the defense of FBI whistleblowers – with Leavitt accompanying his clients during their testimony before the House of Representatives.

"As more repression builds, more resistance builds. That's a rule of unconventional warfare," Prather said.

Follow DeepState.news to know more about the Deep State intelligence community.

Watch the May 26 episode of "Prather Point" below. "Prather Point" with Jeffrey Prather airs every Friday at 10-11 a.m. and every Saturday at 7-8 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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