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RINO Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine still refusing to declare disaster in East Palestine weeks after toxic chemical spill
By Arsenio Toledo // Mar 13, 2023

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is still refusing to issue a disaster declaration even as Norfolk Southern's trains continue to derail all over the country and the one that caused the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio continues to wreak havoc on its residents.

"Despite the fact that Mike DeWine lit and ignited a chemical weapons bomb in East Palestine, Ohio, he has yet to declare a disaster," commented Attorney Thomas Renz. "We have had Chernobyl in Ohio, and yet Mike DeWine, still the governor of Ohio … the guy who said, 'Hey, throw the match, and let's just light this stuff,' he still hasn't declared a disaster."

"The guy unleashed a chemical weapon on his own people," he continued. "I don't mind ripping Republicans. Well, Mike DeWine is every bit the RINO Mitch McConnell is, and that's really saying something. This guy is bought and paid for by Norfolk Southern, by the way, pretty hefty contributor to the Ohio Republican Party."

Last month, DeWine responded to demands for a disaster declaration by claiming that such a declaration will only come if it comes with promises of federal assistance to East Palestine.

But Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, himself an Ohioan, countered that such a disaster declaration is what will allow DeWine to obtain federal resources to aid East Palestine. (Related: Dumb and Dumber! Gov. DeWine, EPA Director (pretend to) drink tap water at home in East Palestine.)

"Additional federal resources can and should play a critical role in helping our fellow Ohioans get back on their feet and ensure that their community is a safe place to live, work and raise a family," wrote Brown in a letter to DeWine. "In order to ensure that the community has all the resources they need to ensure public health and safety now and into the future, I ask that you officially declare a disaster and seek the full support of the federal government to bolster the state of Ohio's ongoing cleanup efforts."

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Another Norfolk Southern train gets derailed

As DeWine continues to refuse all requests for him to declare a disaster in East Palestine, Norfolk Southern's trains keep derailing. The most recent one involved 30 cars that derailed on March 9 in Calhoun County, Alabama, just hours before CEO Alan Shaw faced lawmakers for questioning regarding the Feb. 3 derailment in Ohio.

The train was traveling from Atlanta, Georgia to Meridian, Mississippi when it derailed at around 6:45 a.m. in Alabama. No injuries or leaks of hazardous chemicals were reported from the 30 cars that derailed, according to the Calhoun County Emergency Management Agency.

"Norfolk Southern has responded and is working closely with us," claimed one agency spokesperson in a statement. "Norfolk Southern has their cleanup crew on site and there is no estimation on how long it will take."

Norfolk Southern spokesperson Connor Spielmaker also claimed that none of the railcars were carrying hazardous materials when they derailed.

"There is no risk at all to the public," he said.

Learn more about the East Palestine train derailment at Disaster.news.

Watch this episode of "Another Renz Rant" as Attorney Thomas Renz talks about RINO Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and his refusal to declare a disaster in East Palestine.

This video is from the Thomas Renz channel on Brighteon.com.

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More and more East Palestine residents reporting health issues following train derailment and toxic chemical spill.

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Three more hazardous chemicals discovered at Norfolk Southern train derailment site in East Palestine.

IT KEEPS HAPPENING: Tanker carrying thousands of gallons of propane fuel FLIPS OVER in Florida train derailment.

ANOTHER ONE: Norfolk Southern train with one car carrying hazardous chemicals CRASHES outside Detroit.

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