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The “woke” economy is doomed, but the PARALLEL economy (built by people with sense) will blossom in 2023 and beyond
By Mike Adams // Jan 06, 2023

Amazon is laying off 18,000 people right now, with tens of thousands more to come in 2023. Bed, Bath & Beyond -- the corporation run by woke idiots who banned Mike Lindell's pillows from their stores -- is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Big Tech companies are slashing job positions, with even the ultra-woke Vimeo gutting a significant percentage of its work force. At the same time, parallel economy pioneers are right now building out a new, more decentralized infrastructure for e-commerce and medicine that will take the world by storm beginning this year.

Nobody in corporate media has figured this out yet. What you're learning right here gives you a huge head start on the macroeconomic dynamics that will affect the way people shop, consume products, earn incomes and engage with medical professionals. This is a tectonic shift in the economy and the losers will be the centralized "woke" corporations that have offended half their customer base by declaring their allegiance to LGBTQ insanity.

I have full details in the Situation Update podcast below. Here are some of the highlights of this trend that you need to understand:

  • The parallel economy brings people together based on philosophical alignment rather than merely profit interests.
  • About half of America is ready to consciously choose to stop all purchase transactions with Amazon.com and other "woke" corporations that are increasingly seen as anti-human, anti-sanity, anti-freedom and downright evil.
  • "Woke" brands will not be welcomed in the parallel economy and will lose out on the explosion in new philosophically-driven commerce.
  • We are building the infrastructure of human freedom and empowering people to be informed, healthy and aware. Explore our decentralized, peer-to-peer, uncensorable Brighteon.io free speech platform here. Learn about our free, downloadable generative AI tools at Brighteon.AI. Every purchase at HealthRangerStore.com helps fund our efforts to build and share more tools for empowering humanity with knowledge and abundance.

  • 2023+ will see widespread decentralization of online e-commerce thanks to the rise of near-instant e-commerce hosting platforms that will allow anyone to instantly set up an e-commerce front-end with 1+ million products already in inventory, fulfilled by network partners.
  • Vendors who are pro-Christian, pro-America or pro-freedom will no longer be able to be blacklisted by "woke" platforms like Vimeo or Amazon, because they will have viable alternatives for distribution and visibility through the parallel economy.
  • Influencers, organizations, and small businesses will set up and launch their own e-commerce portals using these new systems, and they will shift money away from Amazon and into the pockets of regular people at the community level.
  • The centralized warehouse model of Amazon will contract sharply in 2023 with large layoffs, warehouse closures and significant financial losses. Instead, investment is flowing into the new e-commerce storefront networks, backed by distributed, small local warehouses run by real people, not robots or "slave" wage workers.
  • Medicine will also experience a dramatic shift away from centralized, mainstream, pill-pushing doctors and homicidal hospitals. Instead, growth with occur in telemedicine operations that connect people with complementary, naturopathic and alternative medicine professionals who teach solutions rather than medications.
  • The net effect is that more money will flow directly to health care professionals, and medical "licensing" will not be able to be weaponized by states like California to suppress free speech of doctors.

Stay tuned for more updates on how you can help build the parallel economy

I have been in discussions with several pioneers who are building the parallel economy, and I will keep you informed via articles and podcasts as new initiatives are publicly launched. (Subscribe to our free email newsletter by clicking the "subscribe" button along the top of this page.) You can follow all my podcasts at:


To hear the rest of the analysis on all this, listen to today's Situation Update podcast which also features a new interview with my special forces operations contact working the Texas border:

- Good news on Hamlin from the Buffalo Bills

- Amazon announces 18,000 layoffs as Big Tech firings accelerate

- Bed Beth & Beyond likely heading into bankruptcy, run by woke idiots

- Celsius #crypto bankruptcy reveals you DON'T OWN "your" coins

- Japanese government trying to PAY families to LEAVE Tokyo #depopulation

- Three Massachusetts police die suddenly in one week... wonder why?

- UK health system (NHS) pushing body cams for nurses - #privacy invasion

- Croatians shocked to find that adopting Euro currency results in huge #inflation

- AI chat bot systems nearly as accurate as human doctors

- Why pill-pushing doctors will be replaced by AI, but naturopathic doctors won't

- Cool historical artifact: Meteorite sand glass used in King Tut's jewelry

- Climate check: Polar bear populations are so large, Canada is trying to figure out how to reduce them

- Putin launches hypersonic missile-armed frigate into Indian Ocean

- Medical dictatorship now in effect in California

- Anti-woke parallel economy will explode in 2023

- Huge migration of commerce away from Amazon

- Decentralization of commerce will be huge trend for 2023+

- Telemedicine also exploding as people flee death-pushing doctors

- Interview with Special Forces Texas border team leader

Brighteon: Brighteon.com/a330d7bc-e079-4983-a78a-95b1cc11520d

Rumble: Rumble.com/v2460kc-situation-update-1623-the-parallel-economy-is-set-to-explode-in-2023....html

Bitchute: Bitchute.com/video/6rMsqqyVdVbt/

Banned.Video: Banned.video/watch?id=63b82f904c205b0d905d192f

iTunes podcast: Healthrangerreport.com/situation-update-jan-6-2023-the-parallel-economy-is-set-to-explode-in-2023-as-the-old-economy-collapses

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