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Patriot doctors McCullough & Malone back on Twitter after being suspended
By News Editors // Dec 14, 2022

A pair of medical experts who have been countering the establishment’s Covid narratives for the past few years had their Twitter accounts restored this week after being suspended by the social media platform’s prior leadership.

(Article by Kelen McBreen republished from InfoWars.com)

Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, and Dr. Peter McCullough, a top American cardiologist, are both now back on Twitter.

Dr. Malone was kicked off Twitter just ahead of his appearance on the popular Joe Rogan Experience podcast in December of 2021.

Announcing his return on Monday evening, Dr. Malone wrote, “I’m back… Welcome to Fifth Gen (Information) Warfare The battleground is consensus of the swarm and your own mind. Please share my substack from today.”

Dr. McCullough wrote on Tuesday, “Alright everyone, I am back on Twitter! Let’s see my verification and completely uncensored, no unfollow programs, no bots assigned to me, and absolutely no shadow-banning. Let the world hear the medical truth (98% want it) on the pandemic and more!”

Dr. McCullough also suggested Elon Musk’s meeting with the blacklisted Stanford professor Dr. Jay Bhattacharya earlier this week may have influenced Twitter to allow the controversial doctors back on the platform.

“I know and have worked with Dr. Bhattacharya, so if he played a role in my release I am indebted,” he wrote. “Many more truth-telling dissidents behind blue bars who deserve release. All doctors should be verified. Put pressure on Twitter to release all!”

Both doctors have made appearances on Infowars in interviews that can be watched below:

Read more at: InfoWars.com

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