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I’m Fired Up: Chad Caton slams liberals for tagging conservatives as “violent extremists” – Brighteon.TV
By Belle Carter // Sep 28, 2022

Retired firefighter Chad Caton denounced liberals for branding him and other conservatives as "violent extremists," even though no violent instances were attributed to conservatives.

During the Sept. 22 episode of his Brighteon.TV program "I'm Fired Up," he admitted that he can get violent if there is a need for it. Caton, however, pointed out that he has never been arrested for assault or other issues. He added that he always protects his family with his concealed firearm.

"I trained with my wife and other people in my whole idea of not becoming a victim," he explained. "It seems very cut and dry, but because I do these things – I've been called a violent extremist. And now, they're bunching us into a big group of Make America Great Again (MAGA) 'violent extremists.'"

According to Caton, recent events triggered "aggressive reactions" from Republicans. But in reality, it was simply the GOP exposing and calling out the government's misdoings. Nevertheless, the retired firefighter pointed out that these are not enough reason for the Democrats to brand them as "extremists," let alone "violent."

One example of this is New York Attorney General Letitia James suing former President Donald Trump, three of his children and his company. "Not a criminal deal, but just a lawsuit, because they don't have anything and it's easier to prove something in civil court than it is criminal," the "I'm Fired Up" host pointed out.

The suit accused Trump alongside his three children – Donald Jr., Ivanka and Eric – and Trump Organization senior executives of falsely inflating the former president's net worth by billions of dollars to put the company in a better financial footing.

"That was your attorney general of New York. Her job is to live by the Constitution for the good people of New York, be the top law officer and make sure that the people of NY are continuously safe under the laws," Caton stated.

While he could list all the things that James did, he remarked that in the long run, it's a political hit job.

Canada school defends trans teacher wearing huge prosthetic bust on campus

Elsewhere in the show, Caton played a video showing a transitioning industrial arts teacher at Oakville Trafalgar High School in Canada wearing a mini skirt and huge prosthetic bust inside a very tight blouse.

Sunira Chaudhrym, an employment lawyer at Worklylaw, told the Toronto Sun that if a non-transgender woman teacher appeared in the same way as the transgender teacher, they'd likely be reprimanded.

"I think he's going too further just to identify himself. I'm okay with it, but just wearing that in the classroom, I still get a little bit concerned," a parent said in an interview.

It appeared that the Halton District School Board is standing behind the transgender teacher as its chair Margo Shuttleworth stated that protecting their employees' "gender rights" is "the stance the school board is taking and they are standing behind the teacher."

Caton said he's glad that the transgender teacher feels comfortable showing up like that but she's breaking the law, exposing herself via prosthetics to minors.

"[She] literally throws it in the face of the students. There's no other reason for this person to dress like this than to get some kind of attention or maybe bring attention to it. I don't know," he said.

He further pointed out that there are laws that ask us to keep ourselves covered up because it's considered illegal to walk down the street naked in the United States.

"This person has chosen the prosthetic in a see-through taut sweater and it is not like she went to the grocery store and a kid walked by. The transgender goes into that school clocks in and teaches shop," he said. "This is how we become violent extremists because I look at my nieces and nephew and I'm like, 'just you're not supposed to worry about that and the [bust] is fake anyway.'"

Watch the full September 22 episode of "I'm Fired Up" with Chad Caton below. Catch new episodes of the program every Thursday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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