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USA & NATO send weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians, just like Fauci and China built bioweapons to KILL Americans
By S.D. Wells // Sep 12, 2022

By any means necessary, the USA and the globalists are attempting to reduce the population of the world by several billion, including starting nuclear wars and using genocidal bioweapons (vaccines) as "medicine" for the masses. For fear of the Russians exposing all the US bioweapons labs in Ukraine, the Biden Regime and US fake news media have created a massive diversion meant to hypnotize Americans into another Russia hoax.


So now, the communist Biden Regime is sending billions of dollars, weapons and sending NATO forces to Ukraine to "fight" Russia and stop them from taking over the world, like Vietnam or during the Trump-Russia collusion fairytale.

US bioweapons labs in Ukraine are just like Wuhan laboratory -- they work on gain of function SARS and depopulation schemes for spreading disease

If you don't know by now, the USA and the CDC are in bed with the Chinese Communist Party, creating and disseminating lab-concocted viruses, high-threat pathogens and vaccines that spread those viruses, and Ukraine is an epicenter for those labs, just like Wuhan. Follow the bouncing ball, as the USA creates another media-infused Russia hoax, claiming Russia is trying to take over the world again, one country at a time. This time, instead of "fixing" a US election, they are taking over some "innocent country" and killing all the women and children, or something like that.

When in reality, the US and NATO are collaborating to defend their own global attack of nations, and there's a lot to be uncovered in Ukraine, including more bat coronavirus bio-labs where this whole pandemic was created and is continually being waged against humanity.

These bioweapons labs have been confirmed: “USA admits there are bio-labs in Ukraine and now says if a biological attack happens, it’s Russia’s fault. Of course, everything is Russia’s fault,” according to mainstream media.

These labs prove the "conspiracy theorists" were right all along, saying that the Fauci Flu was unleashed on the world on purpose, after being created with gain of function so it could jump from bats to humans, and from humans to humans.

Pentagon-run bio-labs in Ukraine were going to be used to attack Russia

One might even sympathize with Russia over the war in Ukraine, given the fact that the USA was building a bio-weapons arsenal right next door to their country. These viruses are weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), as well as the vaccines used to further the health decimation. Moscow has connected EcoHealth Alliance and the Biden crime family to these labs, that were being used to prepare bioweapon-filled drones to attack Russia.

Now much of this proof is in the hands of the Russian military, as they invade Ukraine in order to protect themselves from total destruction by communist Americans and corrupt NATO forces. Russia's concern about NATO and the USA loading up Ukraine with weapons of mass destruction is comparable to US' concern over the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, for those who may recall. The USA (plus NATO, Fauci and the CDC) are rushing to destroy pandemic-related genocidal materials in their dozen or more bioweapons labs in Ukraine before Russia finds and reveals everything.

The Russia hoax continues, as every American is led to believe we are supposed to blame Trump and Russia for everything bad, including nuclear war, the pandemic, all vaccine-induced deaths, and the upcoming "fixed elections" where the Demoncrats lose BIG and order is restored to the Republic.

Tune your scamdemic frequency to Censored.news for truth news about Ukraine, NATO and the highly corrupt Biden/CCP Regime that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this.

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