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Universities, hospitals in North America that still impose vaccine mandates face legal action
By Ramon Tomey // Sep 04, 2022

Universities and hospitals in North America that continue clinging to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates are now facing legal action.


In one instance, the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) in Canada sued Seneca College in the Canadian province of Ontario on behalf of several unvaccinated students. Two of the plaintiffs were single mothers who enrolled in the institution. "The damage this policy has caused in the lives of these single mothers trying to finish their schooling to provide for their children is deeply troubling," said JCCF lawyer Andre Memauri.

In spite of instructions to colleges by Ontario Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Kieran Moore to allow frequent COVID-19 testing or medical exemptions to the mandate, Seneca has remained adamant with its vaccine mandate. The college did not offer testing options or online classes for unvaccinated students, forcing them to "take alternative employment that pays less than their projected career earnings."

JCCF lawyers argued in court that Seneca is "jeopardizing the careers" of the student plaintiffs, and that "prolonged absence from their studies will cause irreparable harm, compounded by the stress of financial insecurity as they struggle to provide for their families."

Memauri condemned the "rogue, outdated [and] discriminatory" vaccine mandate and called for an end to the "punishing policy" so that students can return back to in-person learning. "Students are being coerced to choose between bodily integrity or receiving an education to make a living for themselves," he continued.

The University of Western Ontario (WU), meanwhile, announced that all students, faculty and staff members must receive a minimum of three COVID-19 vaccine doses. The policy announced Aug. 22 also mandated students, faculty and staff members to submit proof of vaccination by Oct. 1.

Dr. Matt Strauss, acting medical officer for the Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit, derided the new policy.

"Why would you kick someone out of the school because they didn't take a booster eight months ago that is currently providing [about zero percent] protection against transmission? Pretension? Malice? [Callous] disregard for people who think differently than you? I'm struggling to understand," he tweeted.

Health workers in Chicago win settlement over vaccine mandate

A recent victory by health workers in Chicago proved that standing up for health freedom and pushing back against medical tyranny definitely pays – in this case, to the tune of $10.3 million. (Related: HISTORIC: Hundreds of health care workers fired for refusing covid jabs win multi-million dollar settlement.)

Employees of the NorthShore University Health System reached a settlement with hospital administrators after the latter agreed to its terms. Aside from paying more than 500 current and former employees, the hospital revised its policy to accommodate religious exemptions to its COVID-19 vaccine mandates. It also rehired former employees who were fired or forced to resign after their exemption requests were denied.

The settlement followed legal action by NorthShore employees, who were represented by the religious freedom organization Liberty Counsel. The employees accused the hospital of religious discrimination after their requests for accommodation were rejected.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver described the settlement as "the first of its kind … against a private employer who unlawfully denied hundreds of religious exemption requests to COVID-19 shot." He added that the NorthShore settlement should serve as "a warning to employers that violated Title VII" of the Civil Rights Act – which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.

"This settlement should also serve as a strong warning to employers across the nation that they cannot refuse to accommodate those with sincere religious objections to forced vaccination mandates," said Horatio G. Mihet, Liberty Counsel legal affairs vice president and chief litigation counsel.

"The drastic policy change and substantial monetary relief required by the settlement will bring a strong measure of justice to NorthShore's employees who were callously forced to choose between their conscience and their jobs."

Watch attorney Jim Bopp explain to Tucker Carlson of Fox News why the COVID-19 vaccine mandate by Indiana University violates the Fourteenth Amendment.

This video is from the Truth Health Freedom channel on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

UCI professor sues school over covid "vaccine" mandate.

New York abolishes religious exemption for covid vaccine mandate.

Doctors and nurses sue hospital for required Wuhan coronavirus vaccine.

3 Largest hospital systems in Massachusetts implement vaccine mandate, nearly 130,000 workers affected.

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