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The deep state is planning to cut off health coverage for people with “wrong” beliefs
By Ethan Huff // Mar 03, 2022

A group called Citizens Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) is calling on Congress to scrap a plan that would limit health care access only to people who believe and share government-approved information.


In a letter addressed to deep state swamp creatures Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), CCHF is petitioning for a ban on the scheme, which has actually been in motion for many decades now under the name of Unique Patient Identifier (UPI).

The letter explains that the use of these identifying numbers will "undermine the doctor-patient relationship" and bring about a "womb-to-tomb" monitoring plan. The scheme also aims to "centralize patient data into a national medical-records system," the letter alleges.

For one, the government would have a newfound ability to track care and potentially even deny treatments to individuals who lack "the card."

The government's strategy with the program is also to "conduct research using patient data without consent ... and become the only way to access medical care in America."

If the program is allowed to be fully implemented, it will create "a rich target for hackers and others, including foreign governments, wishing to steal the identity and private medical and financial details of Americans in and outside of government," the letter further warns.

"In short, it will make Americans more vulnerable, violate their rights, and threaten our national security."

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 laid groundwork for rationing heath care only to "approved" individuals

If you think this is all something new under the current regime or other recent regimes, think again. The UPI system was actually created as part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act of 1996.

That legislation established procedures for private and personal medical information about patients to be shared across numerous agencies and intelligence groups for screening purposes. (Related: In the United Kingdom, the government has attempted a similar scheme that involves punishing people who eat "unhealthy" food and rewarding those who consume government-approved food.)

"National systems beget national systems: a national patient ID will create a national data system facilitating the transition to a national health care system, where access to care is controlled by the federal government," the letter to Congress reveals.

It was Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) who singlehandedly tried to ban funding for that project way back when, but his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful. To this day, it has been consistently maintained.

"Now the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate have struck a funding prohibition out of the proposed appropriations bill to advance a government that will identify and track every patient through the health care system," the letter further explains.

A repeal to said provision has been proposed but has not yet led to any success.

Among the signatories of the letter are Twila Brase, the chief of CCHF, along with the leaders of the American Family Association, Americans for Prosperity, John Locke Foundation, California Policy Center, Concerned Doctors of Alabama, Eagle Forum of Alabama, Foundation for Economic Education, Foundation for Government Accountability, Goldwater Institute and dozens of other groups.

"Too late," suggested a commenter at WND. "Bill Gates has already sold the DNA of everyone tested with the PCR to China (he probably kept a copy for himself) and the jab has made you identifiable and scannable through the nanobots that were in the death shots."

Someone else wrote simply:

"Get healthy, stay healthy, and stay away from hospitals."

Another warned that phony "health care" can also be forced on people against their beliefs, Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "vaccines" being a perfect example of this.

"It is not just a question of denial," this person added. "There is also forcing people."

More related news can be found at Fascism.news.

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