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Wayne Rohde: Vaccine Court only serves to SHIELD Big Pharma
By Ramon Tomey // Feb 23, 2022

Vaccine safety advocate Wayne Rohde revealed that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) – also known as the Vaccine Court – only serves to shield Big Pharma from any liability. The Minnesota-based Rohde shared this revelation with Brighteon.TV host Stew Peters.


"Not many people know [that] there's actually a federal court that exists just for hearing vaccine injury cases. Well, the Vaccine Court was supposed to give parents an accessible outlet to be compensated when their children are left handicapped by mandatory shots. But as you might expect from a program that only exists to benefit Big Pharma, the real outcome leaves a lot to be desired," said Peters.

Rohde noted that the NVICP sits underneath the Federal Court of Claims, which enables appeals through the judicial process. "[In] the Vaccine Court, at least you can adjudicate these decisions," he said.

The vaccine safety advocate pointed out a problem with the NVICP. "It's moved away from childhood injuries. Ninety-four or 95 percent of all the [vaccine injury] compensation awards for the last five or six years are [given to] adults. We've really moved away from protecting children, which is really sad."

Rohde's remarks about the Vaccine Court stemmed from his personal experience. The author of "The Vaccine Court – Dark Truth of America's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" saw one of his sons suffer from a vaccine injury. Rohde's son Nicholas was severely injured by a vaccine back when he was just 13 months old and was later diagnosed with regressive autism.

He told Peters: "As a taxpayer, you should be furious because this is just a black hole where we're spending our tax dollars. Our government is spending our tax dollars and not doing anything with regard to the benefit of the taxpayers."

"This program is taxpayer-funded, obviously. It's the U.S. government. Imagine that: Another bureaucratic piece of crap that doesn't work. That's unbelievable," the host said in agreement.

Claims system for damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines also protect Big Pharma

In response to Peters asking about possible compensation for those damaged by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, Rohde mentioned the existence of the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

"The COVID-19 injectable – I don't know if you really can call it a vaccine because it really doesn't hold the traditional definition – is creating a tremendous number of injuries. But since the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was invoked back in March 2020, any injuries or death claims [can be filed] in the CICP," said Rohde.

"The problem there is that the program doesn't move these petitions forward; they just sit there and accumulate. We've had 6,800 petitions filed – [and] not one has been compensated. That creates [another] problem once you got all these people who have been injured by any type of a medical device or even by the injectable. They're just sitting there lingering, and the program doesn't have any type of a mechanism to move forward." (Related: Coronavirus vaccine injury reports now exceed 400,000 victims in the USA.)

The vaccine safety advocate also mentioned that compared to the more judicial Vaccine Court, the CICP is more of an administrative process without any judicial overview. He explained: "It is an administrative process. You file a petition with the [health] secretary. If you're denied, you get one appeal back to the same department that denied you to begin with – and that's it. You do not have the ability to appeal to a court like the Vaccine Court, [where] you could eventually end up at the Supreme Court."

"The problem is that the [CICP] was poorly designed from the beginning. This program was not designed to deal with a mass epidemic that we have today. There is some money and it's directly appropriated by Congress, but they won't tell us how much it is. Nor will they tell us the number of employees or staff in the Department of Health and Human Services that deal with the CICP. So it's kind of a black hole for everyone; it's very difficult to find out any information."

More related stories:

Horrific vaccine "adverse events" BEFORE & AFTER Covid-19 jabs, right from the CDC's very own vaccine injury tables.

COVID vaccine injury reports jump by 27,000 in one week, FDA pulls 'bait and switch' with Pfizer vaccine approval.

$142 million dollars has been paid out to families from the secret vaccine injury fund so far in 2017.

CDC caught removing Covid vaccine injury reports from VAERS.

Watch the conversation between Stew Peters and Wayne Rohde about the Vaccine Court and the CICP below.

This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.

VaccineInjuryNews.com has more stories about vaccine-injured Americans seeking damages.

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