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China shuts down more ports due to “covid,” global supply chain collapse imminent
By Ethan Huff // Jan 19, 2022

To supposedly fight the latest wave of "covid," the communist Chinese regime is delivering a death blow to the supply chain by shutting down some of its busiest and most important ports.


China's "covid-zero" policy means that consumer goods will now have an even more difficult time getting out of China to the rest of the world. Some of the supply is being rerouted through Shanghai, but it will not be enough to avoid the same types of congestion bottlenecks – or worse – that occurred last summer.

The United States is still feeling the effects of this as at least 105 supply ships float off the West Coast with no end in sight. That number will soon skyrocket as China engages in more economic warfare under the guise of fighting "covid."

Sailing schedules are already facing delays of about a week, and freight forwarders are warning that already backlogged gateways in both the U.S. and Europe will definitely feel the impact.

Economists from HSBC are already warning that the entire world economy is likely headed for the "mother of all" supply chain collapses, which governments and the corporate-backed media are blaming on the omicron (moronic) variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

"Temporary, one would hope, but hugely disruptive all the same," some of them wrote.

"Covid" is just the scapegoat for the engineered collapse of the global economy

As you may recall from last year, the global shockwave that emanated from China shutting down its ports for just a few days was massive. It resulted in an "unprecedented hiccup in global logistics and shipping which hasn't been resolved to this day," is how one report words it.

"That's because China is the world's biggest trading nation and its ability to keep its factories humming through the pandemic has been crucial for global supply chains."

This is what happens when countries try to save money and "advance" themselves up the economic food chain by outsourcing manufacturing overseas, which the U.S. has been doing for decades.

Now, the chickens are coming home to roost in a major way, and things are going to get very ugly. (Related: China's economy is already collapsing, so omicron is the scapegoat.)

Whenever the powers that be need a new excuse for the failure of their systems (i.e., runaway Wall Street corruption that requires endless fiat money printing to keep everything artificially propped up), they simply drum up a new covid "variant" and voila: an instant excuse.

Many are catching on to this little scheme, but the damage is already being done. As the financial terrorists try to flee the sinking ship, they are attempting to drag everything down with them, including the entire global economy.

The system as we currently know it was designed to fail, or at least it was understood that it eventually would fail because it is nothing more than a giant house of cards with mere illusion as its foundation.

Knowing this, those at the top of the pyramid knew they needed something as an excuse for when the whole thing finally crumbles, which this writer believes is why they unveiled "covid" in the first place.

Now that it is here with endless variants in tow, the global architects and engineers appear to be orchestrating a controlled demolition of the old world order, which will soon be replaced with a new world order as part of the "Great Reset."

It would seem as though this cut-off of supplies from China is one piece to the puzzle. If the U.S. and other nations are no longer able to get computer chips for their cars, for instance, or appliances for their homes, things will get really ugly, really fast.

The latest news about covid and global supply chains can be found at Collapse.news.

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