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Creator of mRNA tech banned on Twitter for warning public about COVID vaccine adverse effects
By Mary Villareal // Jan 04, 2022

Dr. Robert Malone, creator of the mRNA technology, became one of the latest prominent individuals silenced by Twitter for exposing the risks associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.


Malone is also an outspoken critic of the COVID-19 rules and mandates. On his Substack page, Malone told his 500,000 followers that his Twitter account was “permanently suspended,” adding that he knew it will happen eventually.

When attempting to access his page, the bird app gives its standard suspension message: “Account suspended. Twitter suspends accounts that violate the Twitter rules.” However, the San Francisco-based company has not yet issued a public comment on why it suspended Malone’s account, nor did it specify which post drew its ire.

Malone also said that Twitter did not provide him with any advance notices before handing him the suspension. “Over the past year, I have had a few notices from Twitter that there was a complaint about a post but that no action was taken. I received no warning prior to the banning,” he said.

Instead, he received an automated message stating the reason for his suspension: “Specifically, for: Violating our policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19. You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm.” It did not elaborate any further.

In an interview earlier in the year, Malone said that the immunity offered by a previous COVID-19 infection is superior to that of COVID-19 vaccines, and people are now being faced with a situation where they had been told that natural immunity was not as effective and that people can’t rely on it.

Twitter censors popular truth tellers

Twitter has become controversial after banning high-profile individuals, including former President Donald Trump. Another prominent critic of COVID-19 mandates, former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, filed a lawsuit against the platform for banning his account.

Berenson said that Twitter’s move for permanent suspension from the platform violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and other laws in California. “Twitter is indisputably a messenger service,” he said. “A longstanding California law regulates messenger services as ‘common carriers.’ This means that they must accept all messages they receive. Twitter thus must accept all tweets it receives. It has no First Amendment rights to refuse them on the basis that it does not agree with them.” (Related: Twitter suspends science writer after he posts results of Pfizer clinical test.)

Last year, Twitter also temporarily suspended Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Green’s account for alleged “vaccine misinformation.” Taylor said the disease is not dangerous to people under the age of 65 if they are healthy and not overweight.

Despite have near-zero risk of dying from the disease, children are now eligible to receive Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

A White House statement announced in November that the U.S. will vaccinate children between ages five and 11. A team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deliberated on the issue, discussing whether the jab would be beneficial to the 28 million children in the country.

In October, the Food and Drug Administration authorized the use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 for children in the said age group. The FDA noted the immune responses of children between the age of five and 11 were similar to individuals 15 through 25 years of age, and it was said to have shown a 90.7 percent efficacy in preventing the disease based on its study of vaccine safety in a meager 3,100 population of children in the age group.

Watch the video below to learn more about Dr. Malone’s suspension from Twitter.

This video is from the “InfoWars” channel on Brighteon.com.

Get more updates and information about COVID-19 at Pandemic.news.

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