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New Zealand walks back on reopening, imposes stringent measures for travelers
By Ramon Tomey // Dec 22, 2021

New Zealand has announced stricter measures for travelers as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern decided to push back quarantine-free entry into the country until the end of February.


The new measures include a 10-day quarantine in managed isolation rooms, three days more than the previous seven-day self-isolation period. A Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) test is now required for travelers 48 hours before departing, instead of the usual 72 hours.

Under the original plan, fully vaccinated New Zealanders returning home from neighboring Australia would be allowed to self-isolate starting Jan. 17, 2022. With the new measures, many returning home for the holidays have delayed their reunion plans.

Chris Hipkins, the country's COVID-19 response minister, defended the measures as necessary to protect New Zealanders from the threat of the omicron variant. "Waiting until the end of February [2022] will increase New Zealand's overall protection and slow omicron's eventual spread," he said.

"There's no doubt this is disappointing and will upset many holiday plans, but it's important to set these changes out clearly today so [people] can have time to consider those plans." (Related: RESISTANCE IS FUTILE: New Zealand extends repressive COVID-19 lockdown to give government more time to vaccinate entire country.)

Following the announcement of the new protocols, spaces for hotel quarantine have quickly ran out – with tens of thousands of travelers having to fight for a room. Airlines have blocked travelers without a managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) booking from boarding flights bound to New Zealand.

The New Zealand government canceled the latest batch of MIQ hotel rooms due to become available on Dec. 21, adding that the next batch will be available on Jan. 6, 2022. It said in an announcement posted online: "We need to carefully manage capacity as more travelers spend longer [periods] in MIQ. This reduces available rooms in MIQ [for travelers]."

The country's flag carrier Air New Zealand also canceled several scheduled flights. A travel advisory for the airline read: "Non-MIQ travel back to New Zealand for [citizens] in Australia will be delayed until the end of February and to the end of March for [those] further abroad. This means quarantine-free flights from Australia to New Zealand between Jan. 17 and Feb. 28, 2022 will be canceled, and a limited number of quarantine services will be released.

Returning home frowned upon, but joining orgies isn't

During the early days of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, New Zealand gained the world's admiration for its quick response, which resulted in its zero-COVID status. However, the disease has recently entered the country – with 28 new COVID-19 cases recorded on Dec. 21. As of writing, omicron was reported to be behind 22 active COVID-19 cases in the country.

Despite this, Ardern announced in early December that "intimate liaisons" of up to 25 people would be permitted under a traffic light system. The prime minister confirmed this during a Dec. 3 interview on the evening news program "Seven Sharp."

She told program hosts Hilary Barry and Jeremy Wells: "I can confirm that Tinder liaisons have reopened. It's not strictly embedded in the traffic light system but … it is a given, up to 25 [persons] actually, in a red area."

Ardern appeared slightly uncomfortable as she shared this news to the program hosts, avoiding eye contact with the camera and laughing to herself. (Related: Covid-crazed Leader of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern announces that 25-person sex orgies can now resume "safely".)

New Zealand's traffic light system puts areas under three categories: Red, orange and green. Stringent health measures are in place in red areas, while those in orange have slightly relaxed restrictions. Majority of businesses are open under the green category, the most relaxed among the tiers.

Here is a video of Ardern confirming the resumption of "Tinder liaisons" with more than 25 participants.

This video is from the Real Free News channel on Brighteon.com.

MedicalFascism.news has more articles about New Zealand's draconian COVID restrictions.

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